Monday, 8 September 2014

Apex Courts - Directions for release of undertrial prisoners who fulfill the requirement of Section 436A

  W.P.(Crl.) No.310/2005 etc.                    1


                            S U P R E M E C O U R T O F          I N D I A

                         Writ Petition(s)(Criminal)     No(s).    310 of 2005

  BHIM SINGH                                                         Petitioner(s)


  UNION OF INDIA & ORS.                                              Respondent(s)

  (with appln. (s) for directions, impleadment and office report)


  W.P.(C) No. 341/2004
  (With appln.(s) for directions, prayer for interim relief and Office
  W.P.(Crl.) No. 175/2005
  (With Office Report)

  Date : 05/09/2014 These petitions were called on for hearing today.

                          HON'BLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE
                          HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE KURIAN JOSEPH

  For Petitioner(s)                   Prof. Bhim Singh, Sr. Adv.
                                      In person

                                      Mr. P. V. Yogeswaran, Adv.

                                      Mr. Prashant Bhushan, Adv.
                                      Mr. Rohit Kumar Singh, Adv.
                                      Mr. Govind Jee, Adv.

  For Respondent(s)                   Mr.   Mukul Rohatgi, Attorney General
  UOI                                 Mr.   Ranjit Kumar, Solicitor General

                UPON hearing the counsel the Court made the following
                                   O R D E R

                        On 01.08.2014, whereby we wanted to know from

             the     learned    Attorney       General   about   Government   of

             India's plan in fast-tracking criminal justice in

             the country, learned Attorney General on that day

             took      time    to   have   a    comprehensive    look   at    the

             problem and come out with a concrete proposal in

             this regard within four weeks.
 W.P.(Crl.) No.310/2005 etc.                       5

                        Mr. Mukul Rohatgi, learned Attorney General

             submits that process of consultation with the State

             Governments for fast-tracking criminal justice has

             been     commenced       by    the       Central      Government    but    the

             blueprint/road-map             for       fast-tracking       of    criminal

             cases shall take some time.                       He prays for time to

             place the same by way of an affidavit within three


                        We reiterate that it is high time, positive

             steps       are     taken      by    the       Central     Government       in

             consultation           with    the       State     Governments     in     fast

             tracking         all    types       of     criminal       cases    so     that

             criminal           justice          is        delivered      timely        and


                        Learned Attorney General informs us that more

             than      50%     of    the    prisoners         in   various     jails    are

             under-trial prisoners.                   Even many of them may have

             served maximum sentence prescribed under the law for

             the     offences        they    have      been     charged   with.         The

             Parliament         by    Act    25       of    2005     amended    Code     of

             Criminal          Procedure,        1973       providing     for    maximum

             period       for    which      an    under-trial        prisoner     can    be
 W.P.(Crl.) No.310/2005 etc.                    6

             detained          under   any   law   not    being    an   offence   for

             which the punishment of death has been specified as

             one     of       the   punishments.         Section   436A   reads   as

             follows :-

                        "436A. Maximum period for which an
                        undertrial prisoner can be detained -
                        Where a person has, during the period of
                        investigation, inquiry or trial under
                        this Code of an offence under any law
                        (not being an offence for which the
                        punishment of death has been specified as
                        one of the punishments under that law)
                        undergone   detention    for   a   period
                        extending up to one-half of the maximum
                        period of imprisonment specified for that
                        offence under that law, he shall be
                        released by the Court on his personal
                        bond with or without sureties:

                        Provided that the Court may, after
                        hearing the Public Prosecutor and for
                        reasons to be recorded by it in writing,
                        order the continued detention of such
                        person for a period longer than one-half
                        of the said period or release him on bail
                        instead of the personal bond with or
                        without sureties:

                        Provided further that no such person
                        shall in any case be detained during the
                        period of investigation inquiry or trial
                        for more than the maximum period of
                        imprisonment   provided  for   the  said
                        offence under that law.

                        Explanation.- In computing the period of
                        detention under this section for granting
                        bail the period of detention passed due
                        to delay in proceeding caused by the
                        accused shall be excluded.]"
 W.P.(Crl.) No.310/2005 etc.                       7

                        Having given our thoughtful consideration to

             the legislative policy engrafted in Section 436A and

             large number of under-trial prisoners housed in the

             prisons, we are of the considered view that some

             order       deserves      to    be   passed        by    us    so    that    the

             under-trial prisoners do not continue to be detained

             in prison beyond the maximum period provided under

             Section 436A.

                        We,    accordingly,           direct    that       jurisdictional

             Magistrate/Chief Judicial Magistrate/Sessions Judge

             shall hold one sitting in a week in each jail/prison

             for two months commencing from 1st October, 2014 for

             the purposes of effective implementation of 436A of

             the Code of Criminal Procedure.                      In its sittings in

             jail, the above judicial officers shall identify the

             under-trial prisoners who have completed half period

             of     the       maximum       period       or     maximum          period   of

             imprisonment provided for the said offence under the

             law       and     after        complying          with    the        procedure

             prescribed under Section 436A pass an appropriate

             order in jail itself for release of such under-trial

             prisoners        who   fulfill       the     requirement         of    Section
 W.P.(Crl.) No.310/2005 etc.                        8

             436A         for       their         release           immediately.         Such

             jurisdictional Magistrate/Chief Judicial Magistrate/

             Sessions Judge shall submit the report of each of

             such sitting to the Registrar General of the High

             Court and at the end of two months, the Registrar

             General of each High Court shall submit the report

             to the Secretary General of this Court without any


                        To     facilitate         the   compliance         of   the     above

             order,       we    direct      the    Jail       Superintendent       of    each

             jail/prison to provide all necessary facilities for

             holding          the   court    sitting      by       the    above    judicial


                        A copy of this order shall be sent to the

             Registrar General of each High Court, who in turn

             will      communicate          the    copy       of    the   order     to   all

             Sessions          Judges      within       his     State     for     necessary


             W.P.(Crl.) No.310 of 2005

                       Mr.      Mukul    Rohtagi,       learned       Attorney      General

             placed       before      us    status      of     25    foreign      nationals
 W.P.(Crl.) No.310/2005 etc.                         9

             covered under the order dated 10.11.2008 passed by

             this Court.

                        As    regards       the     status    of       the   detenue-Hamid

             Numain Bhat s/o Mohd Iqbal Bhat (mentioned at serial

             No.1), it appears that he is lodged in Central Jail,

             Srinagar.             He has been discharged in the case in

             which      he    was        arrested    by   the     Additional       Sessions

             Judge, Srinagar. It is stated that having regard to

             legal and factual position, Government of Jammu and

             Kashmir is now processing his case of deportation,

             but so far 'No Objection' from the State has not

             been received, although, his nationality has been

             confirmed by Pakistan High Commission.

                        In light of the above, we direct the Home

             Secretary, Government of Jammu and Kashmir to take

             immediate             steps     in     respect       of     forwarding       'No

             Objection' by the State Government to the Central

             Government            for     deportation       of    the       prisoner-Hamid

             Numain Bhat, if it has decided not to challenge the

             discharge order. In that event, the 'No Objection'

             shall       be    positively         sent    within         four    weeks.    On

             receipt          of     'No     Objection',          if     any,    from     the
 W.P.(Crl.) No.310/2005 etc.                       10

             Government           of    Jammu     and      Kashmir,      the    Central

             Government shall take steps for his deportation as

             early as possible and in no case not later than four

             weeks from the date of receipt of the 'No Objection.

                        Professor         Bhim    Singh,      petitioner-in-person,

             invited our attention to the affidavit dated 16 th

             July,      2013      filed    on    behalf    of    the    Government     of

             India by Mr. Vikas Srivastava in compliance of Order

             dated 08.05.2013.

                        Learned        Attorney    General      prays    for    time    to

             look into that affidavit and put forward the Central

             Government's view in that regard.

                        Mr. Divya Jyoti Jaippuriar, learned counsel

             has placed before us status of Pakistani fishermen

             detainees in Indian jails/prisons, which is taken on

             record.          A    copy    thereof      has     been    given   to     the

             learned Attorney General.

                        He prays for time to seek instructions in this

             regard and respond appropriately on the next date.

                        List all the matters on 08th December, 2014.

               (Neetu Khajuria)                                    (Renu Diwan)
                    Sr.P.A.                                        Court Master
 W.P.(Crl.) No.310/2005 etc.   11

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