Sunday, 16 February 2014

NOTA “None of the Above” - The Judgment of the Hon'ble Apex Court that lead to introduction of NOTA in the EVMs. First time used in recent A.P. Rajyasabha Elections

                          IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                          CIVIL ORIGINAL JURISDICTION

                     WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 161 OF 2004
People’s Union for Civil
Liberties & Anr.                                  .... Petitioner (s)


Union of India & Anr.                             .... Respondent(s)

paras 1,2, 51 to 56 and 61 of the Judgment

                               J U D G M E N T

P.Sathasivam, CJI.

1)    The present writ petition, under Article 32  of  the  Constitution  of
India,  has  been  filed  by  the   petitioners   herein   challenging   the
constitutional validity of Rules 41(2) & (3) and  49-O  of  the  Conduct  of
Election Rules, 1961 (in  short  ‘the  Rules’)  to  the  extent  that  these
provisions violate the secrecy of voting which is fundamental  to  the  free
and fair elections and is required to be maintained as per  Section  128  of
the Representation of the People Act, 1951  (in  short  ‘the  RP  Act’)  and
Rules 39 and 49-M of the Rules.

2)    The petitioners herein have preferred this petition for  the  issuance
of a writ or direction(s) of like nature  on  the  ground  that  though  the
above said Rules, viz., Rules 41(2) & (3) and 49-O, recognize the  right  of
a voter not to vote but still the secrecy of his having  not  voted  is  not
maintained in its implementation and thus the impugned rules, to the  extent
of such violation of the right to secrecy, are not only ultra vires  to  the
said  Rules  but  also  violative  of  Articles  19(1)(a)  and  21  of   the
Constitution of India besides International Covenants.

51)    Democracy being the basic  feature  of  our  constitutional  set  up,
there can be no two opinions  that  free  and  fair  elections  would  alone
guarantee the growth of a healthy  democracy  in  the  country.  The  ‘Fair’
denotes equal opportunity to all people. Universal adult suffrage  conferred
on the citizens of India by the Constitution has made it possible for  these
millions of individual voters to go to the polls  and  thus  participate  in
the governance of our country. For democracy to  survive,  it  is  essential
that the best available men should be  chosen  as  people’s  representatives
for proper governance of the country. This can be best achieved through  men
of high moral and ethical values, who win the elections on a positive  vote.
Thus in a vibrant democracy, the voter  must  be  given  an  opportunity  to
choose none of the  above  (NOTA)  button,  which  will  indeed  compel  the
political parties to nominate a sound  candidate.  This  situation  palpably
tells us the dire need of negative voting.

52)   No doubt, the right to vote is a statutory right  but  it  is  equally
vital to recollect that this statutory right is the  essence  of  democracy.
Without this, democracy will fail to thrive. Therefore, even  if  the  right
to vote is statutory, the significance attached with the right  is  massive.
Thus, it is necessary to keep in mind these facets while deciding the  issue
at hand.

53)   Democracy is all about choice. This choice can be better expressed  by
giving the voters an opportunity to verbalize  themselves  unreservedly  and
by imposing least restrictions on their ability to make such  a  choice.  By
providing NOTA  button  in  the  EVMs,  it  will  accelerate  the  effective
political participation in the present state of democratic  system  and  the
voters in fact will be empowered. We are of  the  considered  view  that  in
bringing out this right to cast negative vote at a time when  electioneering
is in full swing, it will foster the purity of  the  electoral  process  and
also fulfill one of its objective, namely, wide participation of people.

54)   Free and fair election is a basic structure of  the  Constitution  and
necessarily includes within its ambit the right of an elector  to  cast  his
vote without fear of reprisal, duress or coercion. Protection  of  elector’s
identity and affording secrecy  is  therefore  integral  to  free  and  fair
elections and an arbitrary distinction between the voter who casts his  vote
and the voter who does not cast his vote is violative of Article  14.  Thus,
secrecy is required to be maintained for both categories of persons.

55)   Giving  right  to  a  voter  not  to  vote  for  any  candidate  while
protecting his right of secrecy  is  extremely  important  in  a  democracy.
Such an option gives the voter the right to  express  his  disapproval  with
the kind of candidates that are being  put  up  by  the  political  parties.
When the political parties will realize that a large number  of  people  are
expressing their disapproval with the  candidates  being  put  up  by  them,
gradually there will be a systemic change and the political parties will  be
forced to accept the will of the people and field candidates who  are  known
for their integrity.

56)   The direction can also be supported by the fact that in  the  existing
system a dissatisfied voter ordinarily does not turn up for voting which  in
turn  provides  a  chance  to  unscrupulous  elements  to  impersonate   the
dissatisfied voter and cast a vote, be it a  negative  one.  Furthermore,  a
provision  of  negative  voting  would  be  in  the  interest  of  promoting
democracy as it would send clear signals  to  political  parties  and  their
candidates as to what the electorate think about them.


61)   In the light of the above discussion, we hold that Rules 41(2)  &  (3)
and 49-O of the Rules are ultra vires Section 128 of the RP Act and  Article
19(1)(a) of the Constitution to the extent they violate secrecy  of  voting.
In view of our conclusion, we direct  the  Election  Commission  to  provide
necessary provision in the ballot  papers/EVMs  and  another  button  called
“None of the Above” (NOTA) may be provided in EVMs so that the  voters,  who
come to the polling booth and decide not to vote for any of  the  candidates
in the fray, are able to exercise their right not to vote while  maintaining
their right of secrecy.  Inasmuch as the Election Commission  itself  is  in
favour of the provision for NOTA in EVMs, we direct the Election  Commission
to implement the same either in a phased  manner  or  at  a  time  with  the
assistance of the Government of India.  We also  direct  the  Government  of
India to provide necessary help for implementation of the  above  direction.
Besides, we also direct  the  Election  Commission  to  undertake  awareness
programmes to educate the masses.

62)   The writ petition is disposed of with the aforesaid directions.


                                       (P. SATHASIVAM)


                                      (RANJANA PRAKASH DESAI)


                                      (RANJAN GOGOI)

SEPTEMBER 27, 2013.


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