Monday, 3 February 2014

Docments that are available with Revenue Dept and ACTS / RULES/REGULATIONS, BEING DEALT IN THE REVENUE DEPARTMENT


1. The Land Acquisition Act, 1894 as amended by Act 68 of 1984

This Act provides for acquisition of private patta lands for public purpose on payment of compensation, which includes market value plus 12% additional market value and 30% solatium. The award under this Act will be made by the Land Acquistion Officer.  Aggrieved party can make a reference to the Civil Court under Sec. 18 of the Act. Further appel lies to the High Court and Supreme Court.

2. The A.P. Revenue Summonses Act, 1869

All the Revenue Officers shall have power to summon any person whose evidence may appear to them to be necessary for the investigation of any matter in which they are authorized to hold an inquiry and also to require the production of any document or other article relevant to the matter under inquiry, which may be in the possession or under the control of such person.

3. The A.P. Revenue Enquiries Act, 1893

The Government may by order, invest any officer or authority deputed buy them to make an enquiry into any matter connected with the administration of the revenue or into the conduct of any public servant as such etc;.
An Act to extend the A.P. Revenue Enquiries Act, 1893 to certain areas in the State of A.P. and further to amend it in its application to that state. It extends to the whole of the State of Andhra Pradesh.
5. The A.P. Revenue Malversation Regulation, 1822

The Collectors are empowered to make summary inquiry and decision in cases in which it may come to their knowledge that public servants under their superintendence or the offices of the Village establishments, or any other persons in their behalf, or on any assumed or pretended authority is exacting or corruptly receiving money etc., for performance of official acts, levying extra collections, embezzling public money, making false entries in public accounts, falsifying destroying etc., public accounts and punish them as specified in the Act.

6. The A.P. Escheats and Bona Vacantia Act, 1974

An Act to provide for the determination, custody and disposal of property vested in the State of Andhra Pradesh by escheat or lapse or as Bona Vacantia for want of a rightful owner and of unclaimed property. “Bona Vacantia” includes any property, situated in the State of which there is no rightful owner, but does not include an escheat or any  movable property found in a public place.  “Escheat” means any property the owner or which dies intestate and without leaving legal heir.

7. The Registration of Births Deaths Act, 1969
  The State Government may appoint a Registrar for each local area within the jurisdiction of a Municipality, Panchayat or other local authority.  The Registrar shall without fee or reward, enter in the register all information of every birth and death, which takes place in his jurisdiction. The Head of a Family, the Medical Officer, the Jailor, the person in-charge of choultry, hostel, boarding and lodging houses etc., the head man of the village, the in-charge of the local Police Station, in-charge of a plantation, and any such person  may furnish the information regarding the Births and Deaths took place in their houses, hospitals, private and public places etc., duly signing in the Register maintained by the Registrar. The Registrar shall furnish, free of cost, an extract of the Birth and Death Registrar to the person who informed.

8. A.P. (Non-Delta Area ) Drainage Cess Act, 1986
This Act, shall apply to the non-delta area and the drainage cess  shall be levied and collected by the Government for a period of five years from the date of application of this Act  on every land in the non-delta area Before levying the drainage cess, the Collector shall service a consolidated notice for five years on the owner of the land. The jurisdiction of the Civil Courts is barred.

9. ANDHRA PRADESH SURVEY AND BOUNDARIES (Extension and Amendment ACT, 1958
An Act to extend {the Andhra Pradesh Survey and Boundaries Act, 1923} to certain areas in the State of Andhra Pradesh and further to amend in its application to that state.

10. ANDHRA PRADESH LAND REVENUE (Additional Wet Assessment) ACT, 1975  
It is an Act to provide for the levy of additional land revenue assessment on wetlands in the State of Andhra Pradesh.

(Issued in Supersession of A.P Sales of Lands to Shikmidars Rules 1959)
            Under the provisions of the act a Shikmidar can be declared as pattadar

The act envisages assignment of lands covered by projects completed after 15-08-1947, projects under execution, projects of which the execution has already sanctioned, projects under investigation, subject to payment of Market Value as was taken credit for in the final estimate of the project concerned in their unirrigated condition provided the value does not exceed the price which the lands may fetch, is sold at the time of assignment. Assignment of project-affected lands shall not be done before finalisation of alignment of the main channel and distributaries.

The lands under these rules  shall be assigned primarily for the purpose of residential house or cattle sheds and for similar purposes. IN VILLAGES, Portions of Village site (GOUTHAN) at the disposal of the Government not being the land required for the common use of the villagers may be granted.

            The act provides for termination of the existing leases on lands and buildings and resume them wherever any such land or building is required for public purpose after giving notice and after recovering the dues from the lessee if any as an arrear of Land Revenue Any person fails to vacate within the time prescribed the MRO concerned may take possession of the building/land with the assistance of the police.

            This act provide for the levy & collection of Drainage cess on all lands comprised within the Delta Area of the Krishna, Godavari and Pennar rivers for raising funds to meet the expenses incurred on Drainage schemes undertaken in the said delta area

16. The A.P.Assigned  Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act, 1977
This Act prohibits alienation of the lands assigned to the landless poor. The purchasers of the assigned lands can be punished under this Act. This Act is not applicable to the lands assigned to the political sufferers and ex-servicemen.

17. The AP Tenants and Ryots Protection (Amendment ) Act, 1979
This Act provides temporary protection of certain classes of the tenants and ryots in the Andhra Area.

18. The A.P.(Telangana Area) Ijara and Kowli Land cancellation of Irregulafr Pattas and Abolition of Concessional Assessment Act, 1961
This Act provides for the cancellation of cergtain irregular pattas of Ijara and Kowli land and for the abolition of concessions in the land revenue asessment of Ijara and Kowli land and certain other patta lands in the Telangana area.

19. The AP(Telangana Area)Abolition of Jagirs Regulation 1358 F.
This Regulation provides to abolish Jagirs and to provide pending  determination of terms of communication  for the payment to Jagirdars and Hissedars of certain interim allowances.  The Jagirs includes a Paigah , Samsthan, part of a Jagir, Village Muktha, Vllage Agrahar, Umli and Mukasa granted by the ruler or Jagirdar.

20. AP (TA) Land Revenue Act, 1317 F
The whole land administration pertaining to Telangana area is dealt under the progvisions of this Act.

21. The A.P. Land Grabbing (protection) Act, 1982
Since there have been organized attempts on the grant of certain lawless persons operating indivcvidually and in groups to grab, either by force or  by deceit or otherwise the lands belonging to the Govt. etc. this Act proides to take action against such unscrupulous elements in the society and to protect the Governmnent properties.

22. The A.P. Land Encroachment Act, 1905
This Act provides measures for checking unauthorized occupation of lands, which are the property of the Government and to provide means of protecting public lands from encroachment.

23. The A.P. Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Act, 1968
The public premises is the one belonging to or acquired  on lease or requisitiioned by or on behalf of the State Government.  This Act provides for the eviction of unauthrised occupants from such public premises and for other related matters.

24. The A.P. Land Reforms (Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings) Act, 1973
This Act provides for the imposition of a ceiling on agricultreal holdings and taking over of surplus lands and to provide for the matters connected therewith.

The Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulations) Act, 1976.
This Act prvides fror imposition of a ceiling on Urban Land holdings and to take over surplus lands and the objective of his act is to prevent concentration of urban property in the hands of a few persons and speculation and profiteering thereon  and to  briing about socialization of urban land in urban agglomerations to subserve the common good by ensuring  its equitrable distrubiton etc.,

The A.P. Buildings (Lease, Rent & Evictoion) Control Act, 1960
This Act provides to reglulate lease/rent of a building or to evict ocupants/tenants of the Building in the cities of Hyderabad, Secunderabad, Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada and all Municipal Corporations and Municipalities in the State of Andhra Pradesh.  The Controller under this Act will be not below the rank of Tahsildar.

Revised Land Assignment Policy for both Telangana and Andhra Areas Rules, 1958
These rules superceed all earlier rules existing both in Telangana and Andhra Areas including the AP(TA)LR Act, 1317 F anmd the Loani Rules, 1950.

The A.P. Rights in Land and Pattaddar Pass Books Act, 1871 as amended in Acgt 11 of 1980 and as further amended in Act 1 of 1989
This Act proivdes for transfer of registry and preparation of Record of Rights and issue of Pattadar Pass Books to the land holders.This Act is applicable for the entire State except Hyderabad District.
A.P. Splitting of Joint Pattas Act, 1965
This Act privides fotr the splitting of joint pattas in the State of Andhra Pradesh and for matters connectred therewith.

A.P. Occupants of Homesteads (Conferment of Ownership) Act, 1976
This Act privdes for the conferment of rightm of  ownership on landless agriculturists, agricultural labourers and artisans in respect of sites occupied by them  and adjacent to their dwelling houses or huts in rural areas of the State.

A.P. Water Tax Act, 1988.
This Act privides for reationalisation of the levy of collection of water tax  and the matters concerned  therewith or incidntal thereto.

AP Ground Water (Reguylation for Drinking Water purpose) Act, 1996
This Act regulates the exploitation of Ground Water for the protection of public drinking water sources and matters connected therewith or incidental tereto.

The A.P. Survey & Boundaries Act, 1923
This Act privdes Survey of lands and settlement of boundary disputes in the State.  This Act will also prvide for maintenance of Survey marks, preparation of maps/divisions/sub-divisions of survey numbers etc.,

A.P. Revenue Recovery Act, 1859
This Act provides consolidated method of collection of public revenue.  All holdeers of land under Ryotwari Settlements or cesses or on account of wter supplied for irrigation or in any way subject to the payment of evenue directe to the State Government can be taken under the provisions of this Act.

35.  A.P(SC.,ST&BCs)Regulation of issue of Community Certificates Act 1993
            This act provides for issue of social status certificate for the people belonging to the Scheduled castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward classes,Mandal Revenue Officer is the competent authority for issue of such certificates.

36.  The AP (Andhra Scheduled Areas) Village Courts Regulation 1940
            This regulation is applicable for the agency areas of East Godavari,West Godavari and Visakhapatnam. However the Dist.Collr.has got powers to remove the Village Munisiff, or a Member of a panchayat Court.

37.  AP (Andhra Area) Agency Debt Bondage Abolition Regulation 1940
            This regulation provides facility to abolish the system of debt for the bondage and to make provision regarding agreements performance of certain kinds of labour in the Scehduled areas in Andhra Area.

38.  TheAP(Andhra Scheduled Areas)validation of succession certificates regulation 1951
            This regulation is for validate the succession certificates granted by the Courts of the Sp[ecial Assistant Agents in the Scheduled Areas in the East Godavari,WestGodavari,Visakhapatnam andSrikakulam Dists.

39. The AP(Andhra Scheduled Areas)Estates Abolition and Conversion into Ryotwari)Regulation 1951
            This regulation to apply the AP (Andhra Area)Estates Land (Reduction of Rent)Amendment Act 1949. It applies to certain Scheduled Areas in Andhra Area.

40. The AP (Telangana Tribal Areas)Regulation 1359 F.

            This regulation to provide better administration of Tribal areas in the Telangana Area of State of Andhra Pradesh. It also provide to appoint Agent, Asst.Agent and notification of Tribal areas etc.

41. TheAP Scheduled Areas Land Transfer Regulation 1959.
This provides to regulate the transfers of land in the Scheduled Areas of the East Godavari, West Godavari, Visakhapatnam, Srikakulam, Adilabad, Warangal, Khammam and Mahaboobnagar Districts.

42. The AP Scheduled Areas Money Lenders Regulation 1960
            This regulation provides to control the business of Money Lending in the Scheduled Areas of East Godavari, West, Visakhapatnam, Srikakulam, Adilabad, Warangal, Khammam and Mahaboobnagar district of State of Andhra Pradesh.

43.  The AP Scheduled Tribes Debt Relief Regulation 1970.
            This regulation to provide for the relief of indebtedness among the members of the Scheduled Tribes in the Scheduled areas of the State of Andhra Pradesh.

44.  The AP Mahals (Abolition and Conversion into Ryotwari) Regulation 1969
            This is the regulation to provide for the abolition of Mahals in the Scheduled Areas of Nugur,Alabaka and Cherla in Khammam Dist. of the State of Andhra Pradesh and conversion thereof into ryotwari lands and formatters connected therewith.

45.  The AP Muttas (Abolitionand Conversion into Ryotwari) Regulation 1969
            This regulation to provide for the abolition of  Muttas in certain Scheduled areas of the State of Andhra Pradesh and conversion there  of into Ryotwari Lands and for matter connected therewith. The cases pertaining to the Muttas and Mokhasas are dealt under the provisions of this regulation.

46.  The AP (Scheduled Areas Ryothwari Settlement) Regulation 1970.
            This regulation to provide for the ryotwari settlement of certain lands in the Scheduled Areas in the Andhra Area of the State of Andhra Pradesh in respect of which no settlement has been effected.

47. The Agency Tracts Agriculturists’ loans Rules 1933
            These rules provides sanction of loans for purchase of Crowbars, seeds etc .to the members of Scheduled hill Tribes in the Scheduled Areas of East Godavari, West Godavari, Visakhapatnam, Srikakulam Dists. The Tahsildars of the Taluks (now MROs) are competent to sanction such loans.

48. The AP (Andhra Area) Tenancy Act1956
            This act provides for the payment of fair rent by cultivating tenant and for resulting the relations of landlords and cultivating tenants on agricultural lands and for matters connected therewith in the Andhra Area of State of Andhra Pradesh.

49 AP (Telangana Area) Abolition of Inams Act1955
            This act provides for abolition of Inams in the Telangana Area of State of Andhra Pradesh and for other matter connected therewith.

50.  The AP (Telangana Area) Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act 1950
            This act provides regulating the relations of landholders and the tenants of agricultural land and the alienation of such lands and to protect the interests of the tenants on agricultural lands in the Telangana Area of State of Andhra Pradesh.

51.  The A P (TA) Protected Tenants transfer of ownership of lands Rules 1973
            These rules provide for transfer of ownership of lands to the protected Tenants in Agricultural lands in Telangana Area of State of Andhra Pradesh.

52.  The AP (Telangana Area) Assumption of Management or Acquisition of Surplus Land Rules 1956
            These rules provides assumption of surplus lands who got over and above  the one family holding and to allot such surplus lands on lease to some other eligible persons.

53. The A.P. Secunderabad Area Land Administration Rules, 1976. (G.O.Ms.No. 169 dated 21-01-1978.)
All leases granted under Secunderabad and Aurangabad Cantonment Land Admninistration Rules, 1930 and Secunderabad Land Admninistration Rules, 1355 F or under any other rules, Regulations or orders of Govenemenet shall be deemned to have been grangted under these rules.

54. The Laoni Rules, 1950. (Dated 16-11-1950)
These rules provide for grant of assignmentr of Government land to landless poor persons in Telangana Area. 

The A.P. Non-Agriculgtural Assessment Act, 1963

This Act provides collection of assessment by the Government from the landowners for the lands used for industrial, commericial or any other non-agriculgtural purpose.

56. The Andhra Pradesh Cinemas (Regulation Rules 1962)
Under cinematography act the applicant has to seek for permit before constructing a Cinema hall. The Licensing authority is the Joint Collector.

57. The Arms Act 1959 (No 53 of 1959)
               Under the arms act and rules to hold a gun or pistol or any other fire arm license is required. The Collector is the license issuing authority.

58. Bonded Labour Act 1976

            This act provides for eradication of Bonded Labour. Any cases of bonded labour shall be enquired into by the MRO concerned


59. Minimum Wages Act

               The Wages of the NMR (Non Master Role Workers) is reviewed annually and fixed during the month of May. The Collector fixes the NMR Wages by convening a meeting with the Superintending engineers (SEs) of all the engineering Officials and the Labour Department officials.
60. The Indian Treasure Trove Act 1878 (Central Act VI of 1878)
               Under the provisions of the act If any body finds any object belonging to treasure trove (like money, utensils etc.) of worth more than Rs 10/- under his house or in the land it should be handed back to the Government. The MRO concerned has to conduct enquiry and take the property into Government custody and hand over to the police to safe guard the treasure trove. Once the property is handed over to the police the record will be maintained at the police station.
61. Ianm Abolition Act 1956 And The A.P (Telangana) Ianm Abolition Act 1967
               The Act provides to abolish the inam tenure of lands and convert them into ryotwari lands. It applies to pre-settlement inam lands, both major and minor inams where a grant in inam has been made, confirmed or recognised by Government, not being an Estate. It also applies to post settlement minor inams coming under the purview of Sec.17(1) (b) of the E.A. Act. 48.
62. Essential Commodities Act 1955
               The acts provide for detection of possible violation of control orders and also on the following aspects 1) whether the person in charge of the shop or premises is a licensed dealer. 2) Whether the licenses are up-to-date and exhibited at the place.3) Whether the Licensee maintained various stock, sales etc. Registers and made them available at the place. 4) Whether the Licensee exhibited stock and prices board at the premises prominently. 5) Whether the weights and measures are stamped up-to-date.6) Whether stock balances tally with book balances. 7) Whether the Licensee is issuing proper receipts for the commodities sold.

63. The A. P. Rice & Paddy (Storage Control) Order, 1981
               As per the provisions of the act no miller or dealer shall either by himself or by any person on his behalf store or have in his possession at any time any rice and paddy in excess of the quantities specified in the act.

64.The A. P. Scheduled Commodities (L&D) ORDER, 1982
               Under this act, a person dealing with pulses shall be required to posses license, if the stocks held by him at any time are either equal or exceeding the quantities specified in the act. However No license is required to deal the Paddy, Rice, Wheat, Coarse Grains, Sugar, Edible Oils, Edible Oil Seeds except for pulses.
65. The A.P. Petroleum Products (L & R S) Order, 1980
               This act specifies that, a person dealing in the following petroleum products shall be required to posses license under this control order, if the stocks held by him at any time are either equal or exceeding the quantities stipulated in the act [i] Kerosene, Motor spirit. [ii] High speed Diesel oil/Light Diesel oil. [iii] Liquefied Petroleum Gas.     [iv] Bitumen.
66. The Lubricating Oils and Greases (PS&DR) Order, 1987
               The act specifies that no person shall carry on business of manufacturing/selling/transporting for sale of any adulterated lubricating oils and greases.

67.Board’s (Commissioner”s) Office Manual.
            This Manual deals with the office business and procedure in the O/o the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, A.P. Hyderabad. .

District Office Manual
This Manual deals with the office business and procedure in the District Offices.

A.P. C.S.(Ex.Br) Rules
            These rules deal with the appointment of Tahsildars (MROs)/ Deputy Collectors and Special Grade Deputy Collectors by transfer and by directrement.

A.P.Revenue Sate and Sub-ordinate Service Rules, 1990
These rules deal with the appointment of Deputy Tahsildars by transfer abnd by direct recruitment

A.P. C.S.(Ex.Br) Rules
These rules deal with the appointment of Tahsildars (MROs)/ Deputy Collectors and Special Grade Deputy Collectors by transfer and by directrement.

A.P.Revenue Sate and Sub-ordinate Service Rules, 1990
These rules deal with the appointment of Deputy Tahsildars by transfer and by direct recruitment

The Revenue Department consists of the following functionaries from village administration to State administration. 

At Village level
 Panchayat Secretaries and Asst. Panchayat Secretaries. 

At Mandal level
Mandal Revenue Officer assisted by the Deputy Mandal Revenue Officer, Revenue Inspectors, Asst. Statistical Officer, Mandal Surveyor and other Ministerial staff.

At Divisional Level
Sub-Collector/Revenue Divisional Officer, Divisional Administrative Officer, Deputy Tahsildar (Land Reforms), Deputy Inspector of Survey and other Ministerial staff. 

At District Level 
District Collector, Joint Collector, District Revenue Officer, Administrative Officer, Gazetted Superintendents and other Ministerial staff.

At State Level
Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Spl. Commissioner, Commissioner (ROM), Commissioner Appeals, Commissioner of Legal Affairs, Secretary to CCLA, Joint Secretary to CCLA, Project Director, CMRO, Asst. Secretaries, Addl.Asst. Commissioners and other Ministerial staff including Gazetted / Non Gazetted Superintendents.

All the above functionaries work as per the Job Chart assigned to their posts from time to time and deal with various Board Standing Orders, Acts, and Rules etc.  Orders, instructions etc., passed by the officers in respect of the subjects allotted to them in day to day administration can be considered as DOCUMENTS for the purpose of Right to Information Act. 

Documents available with Panchayat Secretaries and Asst. Panchayat Secretaries at Village level
Reports on encroachments, damage or misuse of Govt. lands. 
Village records/ Village Accounts and extracts of Village Accounts issued from time to time. 
Register of Survey stones. 
Preliminary reports on issue of Community, Income, Nativity, Solvency and other certificates.
Birth and Death Registers and extracts of Birth and Death certificates issued from time to time.
Marriage Registers and extracts of Marriage certificates issued from time to time.
Reports on Murders, Suicides, natural deaths and other important developments, which may threaten peace in the village.
Reports on strangers of suspicious nature.
Reports on Fire Accidents and other natural calamities.
Rainfall reports.
Reports on occurrences of Accidents to Aircrafts.
Reports on fake notes.
Reports on payment of old Age Pensions, Widow Pensions, etc.
Reports on outbreak of epidemics.
Reports on implementation of developmental activities.
Reports on Poverty alleviation programmes under taken by the State and Central Governments from time to time.
Village Plans.
Information on self help Groups.
Reports on weaker sections housing programme.
Reports on atrocities against women and children.
Reports on atrocities against SCs and STs.
Reports about the outbreak of communicable diseases.
Reports on eradication of untouchability.
Reports on Agricultural statistics and crop insurance scheme.
Reports about black market sales of seeds, fertilizers,  pecticides and essential commodities.
Household data of weavers including dependen6t certificates issued from time to time.
Reports on schemes like Janmabhoomi, Neeru Meeru,Watershed programme, Joint Forest Management, Community Forest Development, Rajeev Pallebata, Nagara Bata, Adult Education, Mallibadi etc. under taken by the Govt., from time to time. 
Reports on Community works and other works taken up at village level.

Documents available with Surveyors/ Dy. Surveyors at Mandal level
Reports on field lines and demarcation of boundaries.
Sub-Division of assignment /Ceiling/L.A. /House sites and purchase scheme for agriculture purpose.
Changes incorporated in FMB/Tippons and Village Registers.
Renewal of missing stones at field and village level.
Layout for Rural and Urban Permanent Housing Programmes and Special Housing programmes.
Refixation of Boundaries.

Documents available with Asst. Statiscal Officers at Mandal level
1.        Data related to rainfall, crops and population.
2.        Crop estimate tests.
3.        Crop inspection reports  with crop condition details.
4.        Live Stock Census, Population census, Cattle census, and other service taken up by Govt. from time to time.
5.        Periodical reports on Births and Deaths.
6.        MPHS Data.

Documents available with Mandal Revenue Inspectors/Addl.Mandal Revenue Inspectors at Mandal level
1.        Enquiries into Pothi cases.
2.        Inspection reports on crops.
3.        Inspection reports on boundary marks.
4.        Reports on substitutes lost sheets of FMBs , Fair Adangals.
5.        Reports on Azmoish of crops.
6.        Reports on irrigation disputes.
7.        Reports on Remission for irregular irrigation.
8.        Reports on Remission on taxes under various acts during adverse seasonal conditions.
9.        Reports on Land Acquisition matters.
10.    Reports on Identification of beneficiaries under  various schemes of housing  and other developmental activities like Annapurna and Anthyodaya, NSAP, drought, PH, Widow Pensions etc.
11.    Details of loans  recovered from beneficiaries under various schemes.
12.    Details of recoveries under RR Acts, Pauper stamp duty, Indian Stamp Acts, and all collectable items under various  Acts.
13.    Reports on issue of Caste, Income, Residence, Nativity, Legal heirs/Family Members, Small Farmer, Land holding, Non-employment, Anavari certificates etc.
14.    Inspection reports of Fair Price Shops, Checking of weights, Registers, Stocks maintained by FP shop dealers  and reports on 6A cases.
15.    Reports on Land Reforms Assignments.
16.    Inspection report on Inam cases.
17.    Reports for assignment, regularization of Sivaijama occupations, violation of conditions under POTA Act, Alienation, Transfer of land, change of classification of land etc.
18.    Reports on eviction of unauthorized occupations.
19.    Recommendations for legal aid to all SCs/STs.
20.    Reports on Polling Stations, Routes, Route details, total electorate, sensitive villages etc.,
21.    Reports on population census, World Agriculture census, Cattle census, Socio economic survey  etc.
22.    Reports on Natural Calamities like Fire Accidents, Cyclone, Floods, Thunderbolts, Wild Animal Attacks including loss of life and loss of property.
23.    Reports on  Jamabandi and settled demand calculations.
24.    Tour Diaries and Advance Tour programmes.
25.    Reports on Non-Agricultural Land Assessment and Collection of NALA.
26.    Reports on Works relating to Quarries, Forest Reserve, Forest offences etc.
27.    Reports on Civil and Criminal cases in Agency administration.
28.    Reports on Registration and Stamps, Treasure Trove, Evacuee properties and Bhudan lands.
29.    Orders passed as Recording Authority in cases of  Record of Rights.
30.    Reports on Enquiries pertaining to Record of Rights.
31.    Reports on conduct of Auction of Fruits trees, Tank fish, Tank beds, Endowment lands etc.
32.    Enquiries into Grievances Petitions, CMP, MLA, MP petitions etc.
33.    Enquiries on applications received during Janma Bhoomi, Revenue Sadassulu, Rajeev Pallebata, Rajeev Nagarbata etc.
34.    Reports on programmes like literacy programme, Akshara Sankrantri, Rathribadi, back to school, summer school etc.

Documents available with Deputy Mandal Revenue Officer at Mandal level
1.        Progress reports on various items furnished to the R.D.O. and Collector.
2.        Allotment, Release orders in respect of Essential commodities.
3.        Cash Book, Treasury Bill Book, UD Pay Register, Contingency Register, Acquittances, Pay Bills, Increment register, Service Registers of employees, Budget proposals, Expenditure particulars  and all transactions relating to Cash and Bank payments made by the Mandal Revenue Officer.
4.        Issue Register of Certified copies of Village Accounts.
5.        Index Register of Records available in the Record Room.
6.        Acts, Manuals etc maintained in the Library.
7.        Key Registers of F.P. shops.

Documents available with Mandal Revenue Officer at Mandal level
  1. Tour Diaries of MRI, ARI, Asst. Statistical Officer and Surveyor.
  2. Reports regarding General enquiries coming within the purview of MRO.
  3. Files/Office copies  relating to  issuance of Community, Solvency, Nativity, Income, Residence, Legal Heir/Family Member /No earning Member certificate Small Farmer, Land holding, Non-employment, Anavari certificates etc.
  4. Orders issued under the provisions of Criminal Procedure Code in exercise of functions as Executive Magistrate.
  5. Orders issued under provisions of Bonded Labour. 
  6. Inspection reports of Irrigation sources, rain gauges and settle irrigation disputes.
  7. Orders granting permission to take water from irrigation for agricultural and Industrial purposes.
  8. Files relating to appointment of Village Servants.
  9. Orders passed on cases against Village Servants.
  10. Reports on inspection of trees standing on Govt. Poramboke and illicit felling of trees.
  11. Reports on inspection of Quarries and illicit Quarrying.
  12. Orders passed on sanction of sub-divisions.
  13. Orders on lease salt lands and particulars of collection of lease amount on salt lands.
  14. Notes on inspection of crops and azmoish.
  15. Notes on inspection of survey marks.
  16. Notes on inspection of Village Chavidies, Assignment/Alienation/ Lease/ Encroachment/Govt. lands.
  17. Orders passed in B Memoranda land cases.
  18. Orders passed on eviction of encroachments under Land Encroachment Act.
  19. Orders on Assignment of lands for agricultural and house site purpose.
  20. Orders on confirmation of pattas under Homestead Act.
  21. Orders on issue of tree pattas.
  22. Files relating to collection of Land revenue, NALA, Water tax, Revenue loans and other miscellaneous dues to Govt.
  23. Files relating to collection of dues pertaining to other departments under Revenue Recovery Act.
  24. Files relating to Natural calamities, arrangement of relief work and disbursement of cash and kind relief to the affected families.
  25. Files relating to proposals of Old Age Pensions, Widow Pensions, Agricultural labour pensions, and Physically Handicapped pension cases.
  26. Files relating to General land Acquisition cases to the extent of powers conferred on MROs.
  27. Orders passed on Tenancy Cases.
  28. Copies of Electoral Rolls.
  29. Files relating to arrangements and conduct of General Elections, Elections to Water Users Associations etc.
  30. Files relating to conduct of Local Body elections.
  31. Files relating to matters of Public Health, reporting of outbreak of epidemics and cattle diseases.
  32. Inspection reports of Fair Price Shops, Rice Mills, etc.
  33. Reports relating to Civil Supplies work, Public Distribution System, and issue of ration cards.
  34. Reports relating to applications for grant of licenses under Explosives Act and Arms Act.
  35. Files relating to applications disposed under Debt Relief Act.
  36. Disposal of applications under POTA Act.
  37. Data in Land Records Maintenance and Information System (LRMIS).
  38. Files relating to appointment of Agents under National Savings Scheme.
  39. Files relating to beneficiaries under various developmental activities taken by Govt. from time to time like DWACRA, Adharna, Velugu, Annapurna Physically Handicapped,  Girl Child protection, Family Welfare Schemes.
  40. Files relating to Pulse Polio Programme.
  41. Inspection notes on Social Welfare Hostels.
  42. Files relating to literacy programme, back to school programme, etc.
  43. Files relating to identification of beneficiaries under Rural Housing, Rajeev Gruhakalpa and IAY schemes.
  44. Files relating to Janmabhoomi, Prajasadassulu, Revenue Sadassulu, etc.

Documents available with Revenue Divisional Officer at Division level
  1. Files relating to disciplinary cases in respect of Revenue employees working in the Division.
  2. Files relating to appointment of Attenders under Divisional quota.
  3. Appeals of Village Administrative officers and Village Servants on appointments and disciplinary cases.
  4. Annual inspection reports of MROs Offices in the Division.
  5. Annual Inspection report of Mandal Praja Parishads.
  6. Files relating to collection of Land Revenue, NALA, Excise arrear loans, Revenue loans and all other Miscellaneous Revenues.
  7. Files relating to Review of fixing of Kist.
  8. Inspection reports on SC/ST and B.C. Housing Colonies.
  9. Inspection reports on Social Welfare and Tribal Welfare Hostels.
  10. Inspection reports on Cinema Theatres including touring talkies.
  11. Files relating to test checking of community certificate/Nativity certificate/Solvency certificate/Legal Heir certificate etc.issued by MROs.
  12. Reports relating to Natural Calamities viz. Flood, Fire, Cyclones, Hailstorms, earthquakes, drought, famine, etc.
  13. Reports relating to drinking water supply, fodder supply, accidents etc.,
  14. Reports relating to communal riots, Extremist violence, Law and Order etc.
  15. Reports relating to Public Health, out break of Gastro Enteritis, Japanese Encephalitis, Cholera, etc.
  16. Files relating to Family Planning, Promotion of spacing method, Pre-marriage counseling, Immunization and Recruitment test for Paramedical staff.
  17. Inspection reports on FP shops, Rice Mills, Civil Supplies Godowns.
  18. Files relating to appointment of F.P. Shop dealers.
  19. Files relating to Civil Supplies matters Viz, granting of authorization , renew of authorization etc.,
  20. Inspection reports on Survey stone Depots and Boundary Marks of Survey Stones.
  21. Confidential reports of Tahsildars and Deputy Tahsildars.
  22. Review of Tour diaries of MROs and MPDOs.
  23. Joint Azmoish reports under the Major Projects.
  24. Files relating to Minimum Wages Act.
  25. Files relating to A.P. (Telangana Area) Tenancy Act 1950 /Andhra Area Tenancy Act, 1956 (as amended).
  26. Files relating to the A.P. (Telangana) Inams Abolition Act, 1973.
  27. Files relating to A.P. Pawn Brokers Act 1943.
  28. Files relating to A.P. Land Encroachment Act 1905.
  29. Files relating to A.P. Occupants of Home Stead Act, 1976,
  30. Files relating to Indian Stamps Act, 1890 and A.P. court Fees and Suits Valuation Act, 1956.
  31. Files relating to Appeals under Irrigation disputes.
  32. Files relating to Grants of Licenses under Explosives Act, Petroleum Products orders, 1996 and Arms Act 1959.
  33. Files relating to Dowry Act.
  34. Files relating to A.P.ROR Act 1971.
  35. Files relating to the Essential Commodities Act, 1955.
  36. Files relating to the A.P. Land Grabbing (Prohibition) Act, 1969.
  37. Files relating to Cinematograph Act, 1955 Regulation thereon.
  38. Files relating to A.P. Water Tax Act, 1988.
  39. Files relating to A.P. (T.A) Land Revenue Act, 1317 F.
  40. Files relating to A.P. (T.A) Land Revenue Act 1951.
  41. Files relating to the Evacuee Property Act.
  42. Files relating to Land Acquisition Act including general land acquisition.
  43. Files relating to Child labour Abolition Act.
  44. Files relating to Minimum Wages Act.
  45. Files relating to Eradication of Jigins in Telangana area.
  46. Inspection reports on protection and safe guarding of Govt., lands and properties including buildings, irrigation sources, trees etc,.
  47.  Inspection reports on monitoring and review of leases, transfer, alienation and   assignment of Govt., lands.
  48. Inspection reports on encroachments and unauthorized occupation ineligible Sivaijamadars  on Govt., lands  and  follow up action including  action for cancellation  of irregular assignments and eviction of  encroachments etc,
  49. Inspection reports Azmoish of crops especially in respect of cases   where remission has been proposed.
  50. Jamabandi    and annual settlement of village accounts.
  51. Proposals for grant of remission of land revenue.
  52. Orders issued under the provisions of Criminal Procedure Code in exercise of functions as First Class Executive Magistrate.
  53. Magisterial enquiry reports.
  54. Files relating to   sanction of Old Age pension, Widow Pension, Landless Agrl., labour pension, Drought pension, National Family Benefit Scheme and Physically handicapped pensions.
  55. Files relating to monitoring of housing schemes, Adarana, Apathbhandu, Roshini, Cheyutha, Annapurna and Deepam programmes.
  56. Files relating to monitoring of Rythu Bazars and Agrl.  Market Committees.
  57. Files relating to Implementation of land purchasing schemes for S,Cs and ST farmers loaning  programme.
  58. Files relating to identification of land and implementation of rainfed horticulture.
  59. Files relating to   implementation of rural sanitation schemes.
  60. Files relating to   monitoring of programmes like   Neeru –Meeru, Disabled Welfare and Women & Child welfare.
  61. Files relating to   selection of candidates under   PMRY.
  62. Files relating to works on rehabilitation of Pakistan /Burma/ Bangladesh/Sri Lanka repatriate.
  63. Files relating to coordination, monitoring and supervision of the planning, implementation and review of all developmental activities in the division.
  64. Files relating to all protocol duties.
  65. Files relating to  arrangements for State functions and  fairs and festivals, Formation and monitoring of Youth Groups, Organizing of  Sports and Games and CMEY groups.
  66. Files relating to  provision of vehicles and security.
  67. Files relating to communicati0on of Tour programmes.
  68. Files relating to  arrangement of  press meets and  meetings with  VIPs.
  69. Files relating to  functions as  Accommodation Controller in the  notified areas.
  70. Files relating to  revision of Electoral Rolls.
  71. Files relating to arrangements and conduct of General Elections, Elections to Water Users Associations etc.
  72. Files relating to conduct of  Local Body  elections.
  73. Files relating to  Vigilance and Enft., work of  all depts., at divisional level.
  74. Files relating to  Assignment Committee Meetings.
  75. Files relating to  Food Advisory Committee Meetings.
  76. Files relating to Divisional Coordination Committee Meetings.
  77. Files relating to   Monthly Review Meetings of MROs and MPDOs in the division.
  78. Files relating to   Review Meetings conducted by Collector & Jt. Collector.
  79. Files relating to   Population Census,  World Agrl., Census, Minor  Irrgn,, Census  Live Stock Census etc.,
  80. Files relating to  Coordination with Education  and Health Department  in subjects like Akshra Sankrantri, identification of dropouts, Retention of dropouts, Identification of Child labour, Back to School, Open school, Bridge school, Child labour school, Summer schools, Continuous education centers, Alternative schools, Conduct of Public Examination/Common Entrances, Liaisoning District Selection Tests (DSC tests), Women & Child Welfare Department, Inspection of Anganwadi centers, Girl Child protection, DWCRA Groups, Disabled Welfare, Sanction and distribution of PHC pensions, and distribution of  Aids to  PHC.
  81. Files relating to Formation and motivation of water users Associations, Village Education Committees, Watersheds, Vanasamrakshna  Samithi, Yuva Shakthi and Mothers committees.
  82. Files relating to appointment of NSS Agents, Achievement of targets, Motivation of public for savings, Payment of incentives to Agents, and publicity to NSS schemes.
  83. Files relating to disposal of Public petitions, Review of disposal  of Grievances by the MROs, Enquiries and reports on Grievances petitions received from Govt., higher officers, and public representatives.
  84. Files relating to monitoring , maintenance and updation of MPHS data and  monitoring and maintenance of Land Records data.
  85. Files relating to issue of Caste certificates to selected castes.
 Documents available with Spl. Deputy Collectors (LA) / Land Acquisition Officers of various Land Acquisition Units at Mandal and Regional levels

  1. Files relating to Notification under section 4(1).
  2. Files relating to Enquiry reports u/s 5 (A.
  3. Files relating to Enquiries under section 6.
  4. Files relating to Enquiries u/s 9 and 10.
  5. Files relating to P.V. Statements.
  6. Files relating to Award made u/s 11.
  7. Files relating to Notices issued u/s 12 (2).
  8. Files relating to reference made to Court u/s 18.
  9. Files relating to Orders of the Courts in LAOP,
  10. Files relating to Form C/CC.
  11. Files relating to Statements A and AA.
  12. Files relating to the Court cases under Land Acquisition.

Documents available with Spl.Tahsildar  (Small Savings ) at District level.
  1. Files relating to appointment of NSS Agents.
  2. Files relating to Achievement of targets.
  3. Files relating to Motivation of public for savings.
  4. Files relating to Payment of incentives to Agents.
  5. Files relating to publicity to NSS schemes.
  6. Files relating to pay bills etc., loans and advances etc in respect of staff working under his jurisdiction.

Documents available with Administrative Officer, Collectorate at District level
1.       Pay Bills, Cash Book, Treasury Bill Book, UD Pay Register, Contingency Register, Acquittances,  Increment register, Service Registers of employees, Budget proposals, Expenditure particulars  and all transactions relating to Cash and Bank payments made in respect of staff working in Collectorate.

Documents available with District Revenue Officer at District level
  1. Files relating to order on arrear claims of Dy.Tahsildars, Sr.Assts, Jr.Assts, etc.
  2. Files relating to order on T.A. Bills of Deputy Tahsildars and Non-Gazetted establishment   and Correspondence thereto.
  3. Files relating to grant of leave to Sr.Assts, Jr.Assts, Typists and Attenders in the district establishment.
  4. Files relating to transfers and postings of Sr.Assts ,Jr.Assts, Typists and Attenders in the district establishment.
  5. Files relating to appointment,  transfer and punishment of  Last Grade Govt. servants in Collectorate.
  6. Files relating to Service Registers of Collector’s establishment.
  7. Files relating to Revenue Officers’ conferences and other review meetings relating to Revenue Department.
  8. Files relating to conduct of examinations like APPSC, SSC, Intermediate, Departmental and Technical examinations.
  9. Files relating to Annual establishment returns and number statements.
  10. Files relating to Education  and  Medical concessions of Revenue employees.
  11. Files relating to verification of antecedents of employees.
  12. Files relating to sanction of loans to Govt. servants for whom the DRO is competent.
  13. Files relating to allotment and maintenance of Pool vehicles and  hire vehicles.
  14. Files relating to Motor Vehicles Taxation Act.
  15. Files relating to transfer of Registry and the AP (Telangana Area) Record of Rights in Land Regulation 1358 F.
  16. Files relating to A.P. Inams Abolition Act 1956.
  17. Files relating to Pauper suits.
  18. Files relating to Writing off irrecoverable arrears of  pauper stamp duty.
  19. Files relating to requisition of buildings and allotment of Govt buildings and quarters to employees.
  20. Files relating to Reservation of Bungalows.
  21. Files relating to order for tents.
  22. Files relating to all Elections matters except conduct of General Elections.
  23. Files relating to conduct  of Senate Elections.
  24. Files relating to conduct of Cotton Market Committee Elections.
  25. Files relating to the Prohibition Act (Act X of 1937).
  26. Files relating to the Sales Tax Rules (Licenses).
  27. Files relating to orders u/s 90  of the Survey & Boundaries Act 1923.
  28. Files relating to Correspondence for forms and stationary and District Gazetteers.
  29. Files relating to maintenance of furniture, typewriters and Computers.
  30. Files relating to  Review of  Expenditure and Receipts.
  31. Files relating to Reconciliation of  Treasury and Departmental figures.
  32. Files relating to information of Vital statistics collected under A.P. Registration of Births & Deaths Act.
  33. Files relating to information of Vital statistics collected under A.P. Agricultural Pests and Diseases Act (Act II of 1919).
  34. Files relating to information of Vital statistics collected under the Cattle Diseases Act.
  35. Files relating to the Ancient Monuments Preservation Act (Central Act VII of 1904).
  36. Files relating to Epidemics and the A.P. Public Health Act (Act III of 1939).
  37. Files relating to the Andhra Hindu Religious and Charitable  Endowment Act, 1951.
  38. Files relating to the Andhra Pradesh (Andhra Areas) Endowments and Escheats Regulation 1817.
  39. Files relating to The Hyderabad Endowments Regulation 1349 Fasli.
  40. Files relating to the Hyderabad Endowments Rules.
  41. Files relating to the Indian Stamp Act of 1819.
  42. Files relating to the Andhra Pradesh Court Fee and Suits Valuation Act, 1956 (Act VII of 1956).
  43. Files relating to Act under the Indian Treasure Trove Act1878 (Central Act VI of 1878).
  44. Files relating to the Andhra Pradesh (Andhra Area) Court of Wards (Act I of 1902).
  45. Files relating to the Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Court of Wards Act 1305 F.
  46. Files relating to Audit reports and answer to all audit objections.
  47. Files relating to the Workmen’s Compensation Act.
  48. Files relating to the Public Canals and Ferries Act.
  49. Files relating to the Indian Factories Act.
  50. Files relating to the Petroleum Act.
  51. Files relating to the Central Excise Act.
  52. Files relating to the Gaming Act.
  53. Files relating to the State Employees Insurance Act.
  54. Files relating to the Dramatic performance Act.
  55. Files relating to the Pawn Brokers Act.
  56. Files relating to the places of Public resort Act (Act II of 1382).
  57. Files relating to the Rent Control Act.
  58. Files relating to the Co-operative Societies Act.
  59. Files relating to the postal correspondence.
  60. Files relating to the Weights and Measures problems.
  61. Files relating to the Fisheries issues.
  62. Files relating to Local Administration Reports.
  63. Files relating to the Pilgrims and their problems during festivals.
  64. Files relating to the Grant of Licenses for Cotton markets.
  65. Files relating to the Reserve Bank of India correspondence.
  66. Files relating to the Broadcasting issues.
  67. Files relating to the Revenue Deposits and Government Deposits.
  68. Files relating to the Highways issues.
  69. Files relating to the duties assigned by the Collectors in connection with V.I.Ps’ visits.
  70. Files relating to the Maintain Records and Record Room.
  71. Files relating to the Political pensions.
  72. Files relating to the Coordinate with District Treasuries
  73. Files relating to the Grant Educational Concessions.
  74. Files relating to the maintain Rain gauges.
  75. Files relating to the official Language Correspondence.
  76. Files relating to the Domicile Certificates in Telangana Area only.
  77. Files relating to the Money Lending Licenses under Money Lenders Act
  78. Files relating to the Indian Christian Marriages Act 1872.

Documents available with Joint Collector at District level
Files relating to sanction of loans to Revenue employees for house building and purchase of vehicles.
Files relating to sanction of GPF loans to Revenue employees.
Files relating to grant of leave to Deputy Tahsildars.
Files relating to transfer and postings of Deputy Tahsildars.
Files relating to service matters of Deputy Tahsildars.
Files relating to personal files of Deputy Tahsildars.
Files relating to the AP Municipalities Act, 1965 (AP Act No.6 of 1965).
Files relating to the AP (Telangana Area) Land Revenue Act, 1317 Fasli.
Files relating to construction of Tanks and Kuntas in patta Lands Rules, 1950.
Files relating to correspondence relating to flood, famine and other natural calamities.
Files relating to all Civil Supplies matters including judgements on 6-A cases.
Files relating to seeking powers under Cr.P.C.
Files relating to Enquiries into cases of torture by Police.
Files relating to appointment of  Special Bench Magistrates and all other stipendiary Magistrates.
Files relating to hearing of appeals against acquittal by Criminal Courts.
Files relating to investiture of Magisterial powers.
Files relating to the Indian Citizenship Act, 1955 (Central Act VII of 1955) Domicile and Nationality certificates.
Files relating to Emigration matters.
Files relating to Review of situation in Sub-Jails.
Files relating to Act under the Evacuee property Act.
Files relating to Rehabilitation of displaced persons from West Pakistan, Burma, Ceylon and Mozambique repatriates.
Files relating to the Press and Registration of Books Act(Act XXV of 1867).
Files relating to inspection of offices of Revenue Divisional Officers and Special Deputy Collectors.
Files relating to Random inspection of subordinate offices.
Files relating to Suits and Review of all legal cases.
Files relating to Review of collections under Small Savings and motivation of functionaries.
Files relating to Lanka leases including Kolleru leases.
Files relating to Secunderabad lease lands under Secunderabad Land Administrative Rules.
Files relating to Leases of Railway lands.
Files relating to all other leases,
Files relating to Jamabandi and correspondence relating to Jamabandi.
Files relating to appeals and petitions under RR Act. (Act II of 1864).
Files relating to the A.P. Rent and Revenue Sales Act (Act VII of 1839).
Files relating to performance of duties and exercise of powers as Addl. Collector under section 6(a) of the A.P. (T.A) Land Revenue Act for Telangana only.
Files relating to Review of Record of Rights work.
Files relating to Review of Land Acquisition work under the LA Act (Central Act I of 1894).
Files relating to inspection of lands under acquisition.
Files relating to securitization of valuation statements and awards.
Files relating to assignment of lands, house sites (Political sufferers also).
Files relating to transfer of land from one classification to another.
Files relating to transfer of land from one department to another.
Files relating to the A.P.Bhudan and Gramdhan Act 1965 (Act XII of 1965).
Files relating to alienation of Govt. lands.
Files relating to relinquishments.
Files relating to passing of orders under Estates Abolition Act 1948.
Files relating to the A.P. Land Encroachments Act (Act III of 1905).
Files relating to the A.P. Cinemas (Regulation Rules 1962).
Files relating to the A.P. Cinemas (Regulation Act 1955).
Files relating to cases coming under Forest Acts and Rules including Social forestry.
Files relating to A.P. (Telangana Area) Tenancy and Agricultural Lands (Amendments) Act 1964 (Act 6 of 1964).
Files relating to Andhra Tenancy Act, 1956.
Files relating to A.P.L.R. (COAH) Act, 1973.
Files relating to The A.P. Occupants of Homesteads (Conferment of Ownership) Act, 1976 (Act 21 of 1976).
Files relating to the A.P. Inams Abolition Act, 1956.
Files relating to mining leases, licenses and certificate of approval for major and minor minerals and mines under the Mines Act, 1952 and other concerned Acts.
Files relating to fire accident cases and rehabilitation of victims.
Files relating to the Income Tax Act.
Files relating to the Sales Tax Act.
Files relating to the A.P. (Telangana Area) Atiyat Enquiries Act.

Documents available with Collector relating to Revenue Department at District level
Files relating to maintenance of Law and Order and Internal security by coordinating with the Superintendent of Police.
Files relating to VIP visits.
Files relating to important fairs and festivals involving law and order and agrarian and Labour and other situations.
Files relating to the A.P. Habitual Offenders Act, 1962.
Files relating to administration reports (including Municipal Administration Reports).
Files relating to Social Service Organisation like Red Cross, social Guild of Service etc.,
Files relating to requisition of Motor Vehicles of other Departments and sanction and control Expenditure on Govt. Vehicles.
Files relating to Census operations.
Files relating to Arms and Explosives act, renewal of licenses to pistols and Automatic weapons.
Files relating to Personal files of all Gezetted Officers in the Revenue Department.
Files relating to confidential reports of all Gazetted Officers of other Departments.
Files relating to transfers and postings of Tahsildars.
Files relating to proposals in respect of panels up to Deputy Tahsildar cadre.
Files relating to  grant of leaves to Tahsildars and Deputy Collectors.
Files relating to enquiries into allegations against the Gazetted Officers.
Files relating to appointment, transfers, grant of leave etc., of Assitant Public Prosecutors Grade I & II.
Files relating to Joint staff council of Non- Gazetted Officers.
Files relating to review and supervision of collection of Land Revenue, NALA,  Loans etc.,
Files relating to Land Reforms (General Policy).
Files relating to review and procurement of food items through joint Collectors.
Files relating to works pertaining to Planning and Development inclusive of all correspondence relating to Democratic Decentralistion.
Files relating to supervision of Special Officers doing development work in the district as Chief Executive Officers and Mandal Parishad Development Officers.
Files relating to A.P. (Telangana Area) Irrigation Act, 1357 F.
Files relating to remission of Land Revenue etc. when there is wide spread damaged due to adverse seasonal conditions. 
Files relating to conduct of General Elections.
Files relating to periodical revision of Electoral rolls.
Files relating to issue of Voters ID cards.
Files relating to Agency Administration and Development.
Files relating to A.P. Agency Rules – A.P. Regulation 2/70.
Files relating to Inspection of Subordinate Offices at random.
Files relating to Inspection of Revenue Divisional Offices in rotation.
Files relating to sanction of funds under discretionary grants.
Files relating to State Development Loans.
Files relating to Indian Registration of Foreigner Act (Central Act XVI of 1939).
Files relating to the Indian Explosive Act (Central Act IV of 1895).
Files relating to the Indian Arms Act (Central Act XI of 1878).
Files relating to the Arms Act, 1959 (No. 54 of 1959).
Files relating to Official Secrets Act.
Files relating to the A.P. Excise Act 1968.

Documents available with  Spl.Collectors of Telugu Ganga Project,Nellore Sriramsagar Project, Hyderabad  and Srisailam Project, Kurnool
          The Spl.Collectors  are appointed to over see the Land Acquisition works under taken by the Spl.Deputy Collectors of various Land Acquisition Units for the above major projects. The following documents which are sent to the Spl. Collectors by the Spl. Deputy Collectors will be available with them.

Files relating to Notification under section 4(1).
Files relating to Enquiry reports u/s 5 (A.
Files relating to Enquiries under section 6.
Files relating to Enquiries u/s 9 and 10.
Files relating to P.V. Statements.
Files relating to Award made u/s 11.
Files relating to Notices issued u/s 12 (2).
Files relating to reference made to Court u/s 18.
Files relating to Orders of the Courts in LAOP,
Files relating to Form C/CC.
Files relating to Statements A and AA.
Files relating to Decretal charge proposals.
Files relating to reports on disciplinary cases initiated against the Spl.Deputy Collectors and staff working in the Land Acquisition Units.
Files relating to the Court cases under Land Acquisition.

Documents available with Secretary to Chief Commissioner of Land Administration at State level
Files relating to pension matters of Mandal Revenue Officers, Deputy Collectors and Spl. Gr. Deputy Collectors.
Files relating to loans and advances of all Revenue Employees.
Files relating to all service maters of staff of C.C.L.A’s Office including pay and allowances, Planning, Budget etc.

Documents available with Commissioner of Appeals at State level
Files relating to Disposal of appeals relating to Assignments under Section 15(18) of BSO (for Andhra Area).
Files relating to Disposal of appeals relating to   Assignments under AP (TA) L.R Act, 1317 F (for Telangana Area).
 Files relating to Disposal of appeals relating to   Land Revenue Under section 57(A) of   AP RR Act, 1864.
Files relating to Disposal of appeals relating to   Land Revenue under Section 45 of I & CAD Act, 1984.
Files relating to Disposal of appeals  relating  to   Land Revenue  under Section 151 CPC, 158 &166 –B of A.P. (TA) L.R. Act, 1317 F.
Files relating to Disposal of appeals relating to   AP VAOs’ Service Rules, 1990.
Files relating to Disposal of appeals relating to   AP (TA) Village Officers’ Service Rules, 1978.
Files relating to Disposal of appeals  relating  to   AP (AA) Village Officers’ Service Rules, 1969.
Files relating to Disposal of appeals relating to Record of Rights Under section 90(2) of AP (TA) Appeals & Land Act, 1950.
Files relating to Disposal of appeals relating to Record of Rights under section 2/70 of The AP Scheduled Areas Ryotwari Settl. Reg. 1970.
Files relating to Disposal of appeals relating to Record of Rights under section 14 A & 14-B of The AP Inam Abolition Act, 1956.
Files relating to Disposal of appeals relating to Settlements under section 11 of The AP (TA) Atiyat enquiries.
Files relating to Disposal of appeals  relating  to Settlements under section  4 of The AP (TA) Jagir Commutation Reg. 1359 F.
Files relating to Disposal of appeals  relating  to Settlements under section  7(d) of  Estate Abolition Act,1948.
Files relating to Disposal of appeals  relating  to Settlements under section  87 of The AP (TA) Land Revenue Act 1351 F.
Files relating to Disposal of appeals  relating  to Settlements under section  38(2), 17(A) and  20(1) of The AP Estate Abolition Act, 1948.
Files relating to Disposal of appeals  relating  to Urban Ceiling under section  12 & 33 of Urban Land(Ceiling & Regulation ) Act,1976 .

Documents available with Commissioner (Revision of Manuals)  at State level
Files relating to Revision of Manuals.
Files relating to Appeals against the orders of Director of Survey Settlements & Land Records.
Files relating to all service matters of Tahsildars and below cadre including approval of panels of Dy.Tahsildars. 
Files relating to disciplinary cases of Tahsildars and below cadre. 
Files relating to Appeals against orders of Collectors in disciplinary cases of Tahsildars and below cadre.

Documents available with Spl. Commissioner at State level
Files relating to evacuee property.
Files relating to Assignment of Govt.Lands.
Files relating to Alienation of Govt.Lands.
Files relating to Lease lands of Secunderabad.
Files relating to Urban Land Ceilings.
Files relating to Agricultural Land Ceilings.
Files relating to Land Acquisition matters excluding policy matters.
Files relating to Records of Rights.

Documents available with Commissioner Legal Affairs at State level
Files relating to all legal matters and legal opinions etc.

Documents available with Chief Commissioner of Land Administration at State level
  1. Files relating to all service matters of Deputy Collectors.
  2. Files relating to approval of panels of Deputy Collectors, Tahsildars and Dy. Tahsildars.
  3. Files relating to removal and dismissal of Tahsildas.
  4. Files relating to Computerization of Revenue Department and Land Records.
  5. Files relating to Performance Indicators that indicates over all grading of the Revenue Department.
  6. Files relating to Meetings comprising of Internal reviews, Collectors’ / Joint Collectors’ review etc., and meetings with other Departments for coordination and policy decisions.
  7. Files relating to Office Inspections of Collectorates, Directorates and other subordinate Offices.
  8. Files relating to Legislative Assembly Questions during Assembly sessions that has to answer on priority basis.
  9. Files relating to Grievances of Public.
  10. Files relating to policy matters of Land Acquisition subject.

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