Tuesday, 4 February 2014

crminal side- checking chrge sheets,petitions- guidelines- crl. registers, fundamentals for the use of staff of judiciary

Hierarchy of Courts

Supreme Court of India
High Court of the State
Sessions Court (District and Sessions Court)
Assistant Sessions Court (Senior Civil Judge Court)
Chief Metropolitan Magistrate in Metropolitan areas (SCJ)
Chief Judicial Magistrate (Prl. Senior Civil Judge in District Head Quarters other than in Metropolitan area
Judicial Magistrate of Ist Class Court (Junior Civil Judge Court)
Judicial Magistrate of II Class Court
Juvenile Boards (accused under the age of sixteen years)

Executive Magistrates –
District executive Magistrate - District Collector
Sub-Divisional Magistrate – Revenue Divisional Officer
Taluk Magistrate – Tahasildar.

Various types of Criminal cases Filed in Subordinate Courts
·        Sessions Cases   trialable by Sessions Courts and Assistant sessions court
·        Sessions Cases – S.C & S.T. atrocities cases Special Sessions Court
·        Criminal Appeals
·        Criminal Revision Cases
·        Criminal Revision Petitions
·        Calendar Cases
·        Maintenance cases
·        Preliminary Registered Cases
·        Criminal Miscellaneous Petitions
·        Bail petitions
·        Anticipatory Bail petitions
·        Referred charge sheets

Types of trials procedure
·        Warrant procedure
·        Summary procedure
Types of cases:
·        Warrant cases
·        Summons cases
Public prosecutors:
·        Public prosecutor (Cadre/Non-cadre)
·        Addl. Public Prosecutors (Cadre/non-cadre)
·        Asst. Public Prosecutors (cadre)

Cases trilable by courts – As indicated in Schedule – I of Code of Criminal Procedure. (Sec.26)


Court of Session – Up to life imprisonment or death penalty subject to confirmation by High Court
Court of Asst. session – Imprisonment not exceeding ten years
Court of Chief Judicial Magistrate/Chief Metropolitan Magistrate – not exceeding seven years
Court of Judicial Magistrate of First Class – upto three years or fine up to ten thousand or both
Court of Judicial Magistrate of Second class – upto one year or fine up to five thousand or both
Code of Criminal Procedure is under concurrent list.  The Parliament and State Legislature can amend the Code subject to assent of President of India.

The Code of Criminal Procedure is applicable to entire Union of India except in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.


·        All the proceedings/applications etc. should be filed before the court only and initialed by the presiding officer and sent to the CMO for Check and Put up.
·        All the papers filed in court should be entered in Criminal Register No.12
·        The petitions filed in the court should be checked and placed before the Court on the same day
·        The ordinary case files filed  should be checked within three days and placed before the officer for orders.
·        The proceedings filed before the court should be initialed by the presiding officer
·        The CMO should initial with date on all pages. Verify whether all the listed documents are enclosed to the petition.  Make endorsement accordingly.

·        Name of the court is correctly mentioned
·        Name of case viz CC/PRC/MC/CRL. M.P. etc
·        Full cause title of petitioner (State) is mentioned
·        Full cause title of accused/respondents including occupation, if any, mentioned
·        The sections of law under which the charge sheet/petition filed
·        Whether the filing of charge sheet is within the time of limitation
·        In case of delay separation petition to condone delay is enclosed
·        The accusations in the charge sheet attracts the ingredients of Sections mentioned in the heading
·        Whether the name of absconding accused is mentioned in red colour.
·        Whether any of the accused is below the age of sixteen years
·        Whether the offence is committed within the jurisdiction of the court
·        List of witnesses, documents and material objects are appended to the charge sheet
·        Whether all the documents mentioned in the charge sheet are produced
·        Whether all the material objects mentioned in the seizure reports are produced
·        Whether all the mediator reports are enclosed
·        Whether inquest reports are enclosed
·        M.V. Inspector report is enclosed
·        Whether permission of District Magistrate/Government wherever required under special enactments are enclosed
·        Whether the statements of witnesses recorded by police u/s 161 Cr.P.C. are enclosed
·        Part – I case diary of police of the relevant dates are  enclosed
·        Arrest card and bail bonds of accused are enclosed
·        Brief facts   witness going to depose  before the court is mentioned in the list of witnesses
·        Sufficient numbers of copies of charge sheet along with documents/including statements of witnesses are filed for supply to accused.
·        In the case of recording of dying declaration, the name of the Judicial Officer is mentioned
·        In case of recording of identification proceedings, the name of the judicial officer is mentioned
·        Whether originals of dying declaration; 164 Cr.P.C. statements; identification parade proceedings; are received from the concerned court
·        Whether any material objects   sent to FSL for chemical analysis and reports there for are received.
·        Without clubbing F.I.R.; Remand Reports; property form; chemical analysis reports; copies of letter of request, the CMO should not place the record before the Magistrate for orders
·        Taking cognizance of an offence for trial is a Judicial Order.
·        The purpose of checking is not to point out the short comings in investigation and build a strong case against the accused
·        Whether more than three offences of same nature committed within in one year are clubbed together
·        Whether correct fee is paid on the petition.
·        Whether vakalat is filed duly affixing court fee and welfare stamp along with private complaint
·        Whether the court is having jurisdiction to take cognizance of offence
·        There are certain designated courts to try particular offences under specified enactments viz. CID; CBI; ELECTRICITY CASES; NDPC; JUVENILE CASES
·        In case voluminous documents are produced steel trunk boxes for safe custody of documents should be insisted.


The court of Sessions has no jurisdiction to take cognizance of offence trilable by the court without committal of case by Judicial Magistrate of First Class.
·        The Judicial Magistrate of First class, after satisfying that there is prima facie case and evidence that the offences committed by the accused are exclusively triable by Court of Sessions should commit the accused to Court of Sessions of the Division.
·        The chemical analysis reports; expert opinions; material objects; are available;
·        Case against absconding accused, if any, should be separated  after following the procedure prescribed in Criminal Procedure Code
·        The committal court should submit the record without delay duly indexed.
·        The bail bonds of the accused should be enclosed
·        The points to be observed while checking should also be counter checked while checking the committal record.
·        It should be observed whether the accused is an U.T. prisoner
·        The Court should take cognizance of offences and try the cases by itself or made over the cases to Addl. sessions Courts, if the cases is exclusively trilable by Sessions Court.  In case the case can by tried by Assistant Sessions Court, to made over the case to Assistant Sessions Court having territorial jurisdiction as a general principle.
·        Taking cognizance of the case should be informed to the Committal court for making entries in the P.R.C register; Station House Officer of the police station who filed the charge sheet, Superintendent of Police of the District and Public Prosecutor
·        The committal court should submit the material objects to the Sessions Court without delay

·        whether the offence is bailable or non bailable offence
·        The name police station and F.I.R. number is correctly noted
·        The name of accused and rank is correctly noted
·        Verify the name with reference to F.I.R. and remand report
·        The accused should make an averment whether any similar petition is pending in any other court
·        Memo of appearance is filed on behalf of accused along with the petition.


·        The names of sureties should be entered in the specified register for verification whether the surety is stock surety for several accused in different cases
·        The solvency of the surety should be up to the satisfaction of the Court.
·        The solvency certificates should be duly stamped with court stamp and initialed
·        The original ration card or residential proof should also be duly stamped and returned to the surety.
·        The bail bonds should be signed by the surety in the presence of the officer

·        The appeal should be in writing and in prescribed format.
·        Judgment copy should be filed along with appeal (Sec.382).
·        Court fee as required for copy of judgment should be affixed
·        In case of jail appeal payment of court fee is exempted.
·        the accused may file an appeal to the court of Session against the conviction by Judicial Magistrate of First Class / Assistant Sessions Judge of the Sessions Division
·        Whether the convict has paid fine, if any, imposed by trial court.
·        It should be stated whether the accused is released on bail by the trial court
·        Sentence of three years and less passed by Assistant Sessions Court can be appealed before Sessions Court of the District.
·        When the accused in jail and intends to appeal against his conviction, he may submit grounds of appeal to the incharge of the jail, who will in turn submit the grounds of appeal to the Court of Sessions.
·        Appeal in case of acquittal can be filed with the permission of the District Magistrate before Court of Session.

·        Against the orders of Magistrate in Maintenance cases or on Crl. M. Ps.


        The Judicial Magistrae of First Class will be the president of the board.
·        Proceedings in Juvenile cases should not be conducted in Regular Court halls
·        The proceedings should be held in juvenile homes.


 Superintendent /Nazir

1. Record Issue Reg.CR.18
2. Register of Registers
3. Record destruction
       Register – Crl.R.24

1. C.C.Register – Crl.R.4
2. PRC Register – Crl.R.4
3. Crl.M.P.Reg. – Crl.R.6-A
4. Maintenance Reg – Crl.R6
5. Result of inquiries –Crl.R7
6. punishments – Crl.R8
7. Diary – Crl.R.11
8.  Calendar –
9. Process Register–Crl.R.12A
10. Hearing Book – Crl.R13
11. R.C.Register – Crl.R.14
12. F.I.R.Register – Crl.R.14-A
13. Calendars returned - CR-18
14. Witness Register – Crl.R.22
15. LPC Register – Crl.R.23
16. STC Register – Crl.R.25
17. Dying declarations
18. Test Identification Parades
19. 164 Cr.P.C. statements
20. Register of Court directions
      for disposals
21. Sureties register
1.C.F. & Process Reg – Crl.R.-12
2. Property Register – Crl.R. 15
3. Refund voucher Reg – Crl.R.19
4. Fines Register – Crl.R.20
5. Fines Receipt Book
6. Private Witness Batta  - Crl.R.21
7. Witness Batta Paid – Crl.R.22-A
8. Cash book – CFR.22-D
9. General Cash book
10. Acquaintance Register
11. C.L.Register
12 Service Register
13. Library Register
14. Stationery Register
15. Furniture Register
16. Treasury Bill Book
17. Fines statement – Form 30
18. Working sheet of fine– Form30A
19. Fines write off proposal –Form31
20. Fines refund statement-Form 32
21. Details of Fines Forest & Excise Cases
22. Refund order
23. Head Clerk’s  receipt book
24. Personal Property reg
25. Challans Register
26. Auction Register
27. Security Register
28 Register of G.Os received
29. Run on note register
30. Employees Movement Register
31. Court fee Cash Collection Register


Crl. R.No.4 : C.C. Register /P.R.C. Register

All the calendar cases and Preliminary registered cases are entered in this register. Separate registers are maintained.  All the outstanding cases as on first of January are brought forward into a fresh register.

1                   Annual chronological serial number
2                   The name of complainant; station name and charge sheet The names of accused with father name; gender; age; residential address; police station limits; nationality phone number; e mail address is noted.
3                   The section under which the case cognizance is taken.
4                   The date of receipt of complaint date of apprehension of accused be noted; date of commencement of trial; date of judgment; result be noted;
5                   Transfer of cases
6                   Split up of cases
7                   Transfer of case to long pending case
8                   Appellate court orders
9                   Date of consignment of record to record room with initials of record keeper
10              Abatement of case against one of the accrued
11              List of legal witnesses entered
12              The presiding officer should check the register atlease once in a month.
13              When the preliminary Registered case is committed to sessions Court, the Sessions Case number and to which the case is made over is noted in this register for tracking the record.
14              There is tendency to send the PRC record to session’s court with a lot of delay.  While signing the covering letter the Magistrate should look into the covering letter to curb delay if any.

Crl.R.No.6/6A Register of miscellaneous and maintenance cases

Separate registers  opened for Crl. M.P. and Maintenance cases.

1       Petitions filed under Sec. 125 Cr.P.C. are entered in one register and other miscellaneous petitions are entered in another register.  Separate annual serial numbers are assigned
2       The bail petitions adjournment petitions; recall petitions etc. are other type of petitions.
3       In the second column, the name of petitioner and in the next column the name of the respondent are noted; the section under which the petition is filed.
4       As and when the appeal is filed the appeal number is entered.  The result of the appellate court order is entered.

Crl. R. 7 Results of inquiries and results

This register is a ledger of offences and the results. The gender of accused, number of child accused; the number of accused convicted gender wise; the amount of compensation awarded etc. are noted. This is practically meant for statistical purpose.
1       The case number; duration of days the case is pending ; the nature of disposal. Transfer’ death; escape etc. 
2       Whether the accused released on probation of offenders act The number of witnesses examined are  noted in this register
3       The total amount of fine imposed in all cases and realized at the end   of calendar year and financial year is arrived for incorporation in statistical returns

Crl. R. No.8 Register of punishments

This register is also meant of statistical purpose.  The number of persons released on P.O. Act is noted.

1                   The period and nature of sentence awarded is noted.
2                   The amount of fine imposed is mentioned.
3                   The number of juvenile accused brought for trial and the result noted.
4                   The amount of fine imposed in the case
5                   The amount of fine realized
6                   The amount of compensation awarded to defacto complainant The total amount of fine imposed in all cases and realized at the end of calendar year and financial year is arrived for incorporation in statistical returns.



Crl.R.11 Diary register

The minutes of the judge as per docket sheet are entered in this register.  The  register is signed by the presiding officer every day after close of judicial proceedings.


1.     When ever the case is disposed of the nature of disposal is noted in the margin.

2.     The total number of witnesses examined at the end of the day is noted

4       The number of exhibits marked is noted

5       The time of commencement of court proceedings on the day and the time of close of court proceedings is noted
6       The minutes of the case are noted in a separate sheet for transmission along with the record to appellate court for perusal of appellate court Judge.


Crl. R. No.12:Register of Court fee and process fee received.


  All the papers filed before the court including charge sheets, petitions with court fee or other wise are entered in the register.

1       The day total of court fee realized is noted.
2       This register is also called S.R. number register.
3       Annual serial number is given to each paper
4       The Advocate welfare stamp fee is noted separately in separate column.
5       Whenever any petition, charge sheet filed returned for compliance of objections, the date of return is entered in the remarks column.
6       Obtain the signature of the advocate in token of receipt of return
7       Whenever the document is represented, no fresh serial number need be given.  The original number is to continue.
8       The officer should sign this register every day.
9       The amount of court fee paid for issuance of process is entered in this register.

Crl. R. No.12-A Process register

The process issued by court for service is entered in this register.  This register is maintained separately for each police station. The annual serial number for process is given.
1                   The case number is noted
2                   The crime number noted
3                   The nature of process viz. witness summons, bailable warrants, non-bailable warrants is noted specifically.
4                   The date of issue of process noted;
5                   The date of return of process noted.
6                   The register is got checked with reference to the process register being maintained in police station by the Inspector of police of the concerned police station for proper watch on execution of process.
7                   The register is scrutinized by the Magistrate
8                   The chief ministerial officer should check the register with reference to the entries in diary.
9                   The number of processes served personally is noted against the entry.


Crl. R No.13-A Fair copy register

The personal assistant or typist  maintained this register as the case may be.  The draft orders signed by the Magistrate are entered in this register.  As and when fair copies are prepared the remaining entries are made

1                   The serial number of the case be noted
2                   The case number
3                   Date on which the judge given for fair copy
4                   Date on which fair copy is made ready
5                   Date on which the fair copy signed by the Judge
6                   The date on which the calendar and judgment sent to Chief Judicial Magistrate and to the concerned prosecution authorities is noted.

Crl. R.14: Register showing the disposal of referred charge sheets

This register is maintained by the C.M.O.  The police make inquiries about the crime.  The police file charge sheet.  In some cases, the police close the case as false or otherwise.  Then they refer the final report to the court for passing referral orders.  The police serve a note on the defecto complainant.  The court after perusal of final report may accept the report and issue proceedings accordingly. The particulars are entered in this register.

1                   Annual serial number is issued
2                   The police station name;
3                   The final report number of police;
4                   Date of receipt of final report by magistrate
5                   Purport of order
6                   Date of communication of order to Superintendent of police
7                   Date of delivery of record in the record room are entered in this register

Crl.R. No15: Register showing the property received in inquiries and trials

The property in charge will maintain register.  All the case properties produced by police seized during the course of investigation will be produced in the court with form No.64. During the course of trial each item will be given M.O. number.  The number assigned will be noted in this register. The Officer is personally responsible for valuable properties and other properties.  The valuable property box is generally sent to the treasury for safe custody.  As and when the property is required the box will be called for.  The officer has to put wax seals on the lock wrapped with cloth and paper seals are also pasted on the door.  The treasury is responsible for preservation of seals put on the box..
1                   The police produce property into court along with form 64. 
2                   The police may produce property as and when seized along with form 64.
3                   Chronological serial number for calendar year will be assigned
4                   The number assigned is P.R. (property register No.)
5                   Separate P.R. no. is given for each Form 64
6                   There may be several items produced in one Form 64
7                   Sub-item number will be given for each property item.
8                   The name of police station; crime number charge sheet no if produced with charge sheet be noted.
9                   Valuable properties will be entered in column No.3 and other properties are noted in col. 4
10              At the time of annual inspection the inspecting officer will verify the properties.
11              All the out standing items are brought forward in fresh register at the beginning of calendar year.
12              After brought forward a certificate as to the brought forward of all the items of property is appended in the register.
13              The property is sent on the request of police to forensic science laboratory for examination and for return.
14              As and when the property sent a note is made in this register
15              After receipt of property from FSL a note is made
16              Generally the bombs seized are blasted in the course of examination and remnants are returned back.
17              The ganja seized is produced in court.  The weight of bags is generally mentioned.
18              After some time the weight may come down after dry-up due to atmospheric conditions.
19              The perishable property produced in the court are auctioned and the sale proceeds is deposited in criminal court deposits
20              The property may be given to the owner for interim custody on furnished a bond for the value of property.
21              The interim custody is given on the orders passed on petition filed by the claimant
22              The acknowledgment is obtained from the claimant on due identification by the police of the concerned police station only.
23              The property received in P.R.C. cases is transmitted to the Sessions Court.  The acknowledgement obtained from Sessions Court is passed in the register.  The acknowledgment bears the item number assigned in the Sessions court.
24              Preservation of property
25              Return of property after disposal of case and after expiry of appeal time.
26              Destruction of property after appeal time
27              Confiscation of property by auction
28              Remittance of sale proceedings in treasury.
29              Auction register.
30              Publication of auction notice at public places
31              A notice to party
32              Property order should be passed in operative portion of judgment

Crl.R. 14-A Register of F.I.Rs received

The first information reports received from the police are received in this register. The magistrate has to put his signature on all the pages and the time, date and through whom the F.I.R. is received should be noted. 
The section clerk will maintain register
1                   Certain pages are set apart for each police station.
2                   The name of the police station and crime number is noted
3                   The name of the accused person is noted
4                   The description of the offence and the section of law noted
5                   The date of occurrence of offence and time be noted
6                   The date of filing of charge sheet or final report is noted
7                   The calendar case or referred charge sheet number noted.
8                   Observe as to whether the original report given is enclosed to the F.I.R.
9                   The date of remand is noted
10              Alteration memo of section of offence
11               Reminders are required given to the police for filing of charge sheet or final reports
12              The old F.I.R .are  consigned to the record room after keeping the F.I.R. for one year in the section,
13              The crime records are also be consigned to the record room
14              The crime number is  noted in Crl.M.P register. In case of transmission of F.I.R. to another court the fact noted in remarks column
15              Observe whether all the F.I.Rs are being entered in this register.

Crl.R.16: Register of unclaimed property register A.P. Escheats and bona vacantia Act 1974

The unclaimed property traced by police is deposited in court.  The court after due enquiry will deliver the same to the owner.  In case no person is claimed the property in a reasonable time the court can auction the property and sale proceeds is credited into treasury.  The amount is paid  to the owner at request.
1                   Annual serial number is given
2                   The particulars under which the property is received is noted
3                   The description of the property – valuable – other property
4                   Any particulars received in the court with reference to the property
5                   The criminal miscellaneous number given to the claim petition is noted.
6                   The particulars of persons to whom the property is delivered noted.
7                   Before conducting the auction the description of the property and the particulars of the persons who produced the property into court is  published in the District Gazette.
8                   Before conducting auction, permission is obtained from the sessions judge.

Crl.R. 18: pertains to Chief Judicial Magistrate Court:

Crl.R.21: Private witness batta collected from parties (Accounts)

Crl. R.22:Register of orders of Magistrate on witness batta and TA 

The case number and the name of the witnesses called for recording deposition in all the cases posted to a particular date should be entered in this register.  The signature of the witness is obtained.  The raveling charges and the daily allowance is paid to the prosecution witness. The witnesses are grouped in to two classes.

1.                 The case number is entered
2.                 The name of the party is noted
3.                 The signature of the party is obtained
4.                 The place from which the party performed is noted
5.                 The fare from the village to the court house and back is ascertained and paid along with batta
6.                 The class of witnesses is determined by the Magistrate
7.                 The number of days the witness stayed.
8.                 The payment is made from out of permanent advance
9.                 In case permanent advance is not available the amount is sent by money order after deducting the commission charges
10.            Non-payment of witness batta is viewed by seriously by High court or by sessions Judge.
11.            The official witnesses will be issued attendance certificate.  They claim the TA and DA from their office.
12.            Retired employees are paid T.A. and D.A. on the basis of the pay last drawn

Crl.R 22-A: batta and T.A. paid to witnesses (Accounts Section)
Crl.R 22-D cash book ( Accounts Section)

Crl. R. 23: Register of long pending cases

In some criminal cases the accused may be absconding and evading arrest.  The case against the particular accused can be separated. A separate case number is assigned. Such case will be treated as pending.  The NBW issued against is pending.  In such cases with the permission of the Sessions judge, the case can be treated as long pending case after observing the rules.

1                   Annual serial number is given
2                   The order number of the sessions judge is noted
3                   The date of entry in the register is noted
4                   The original case number is noted
5                   The crime number and police particulars noted
6                   The particulars of the accused is noted
7                   The date occurrence of offence is noted
8                   Proclamation for appearance of accused
9                   Date fixed for appearance
10              The date of attachment of property of the accused
11              Description of the property attached
12              The date of deposal and method of sale
13              The sale is conducted in open auction
14              The sale proceedings are credited to government
15              The amount is remitted into treasury
16              The evidence of the witnesses is recorded before sending proposal of transfer of case into L.P.C.
17              The High court has given instructions to follow the rules in this regard
18              In case death of accused is reported the same is recorded
19              The case can be closed.
20              While the L.P.C is pending reminders are sent to police for execution of NBW.
21              The case should be called at bench at least once in six months

Crl. R 25: Summary trial cases register

The petty cases filed by police for violation of traffic rules, labor laws; municipal laws; will be tried as summary cases.  There will be no F.I.R.  These cases will be given separate annual serial number.  The pending cases as on first of January will be brought forward into a new register.

1.                 The date of commission of offence is noted
2.                 The date of receipt of complainant
3.                 The name of the accused persons
4.                 The nature of offence complained
5.                 Proved or not proved.
6.                 Value of the property seized.
7.                 The plea of the accused.
8.                 The plea of the accused is recorded in handwriting of the Magistrate.
9.                 Finding of the magistrate
10.            Sentence or otherwise
11.            The date on which the proceedings terminated
12.            The collection of fines and remittance into treasury should be watched by the Magistrate carefully to avoid misappropriation of fine amount collected.
13.            The property received in STC cases should be entered in the property register



Dying declarations

On the requisition of police or duty doctor dying declaration is recorded by the magistrate. The recording procedure is as per the guidelines provided in the Code.  The territorial jurisdiction of the incident may not be with in the jurisdiction of the recording Magistrate.  In such cases, the dying declaration is transmitted to the concerned court on the requisition of the concerned police.  Till then the dying declaration is the office it self.  There are several cases of misplacing of the statements.  Therefore these statements are entered in a separate register.

1.                 The date of recording noted
2.                 The name of the declarant noted
3.                 Requisition number and the authority noted
4.                 The place of recording noted
5.                 The signature of the duty doctor is obtained.

Test identification parades

The test identification parade is conducted on requisition. The police   file requisition in court. The parade is held in jail or any other place.  The  magistrate conduct the proceedings .  Therefore the proceedings are transmitted to the concerned court.

1                   The crime number is noted
2                   The number of persons of similar physique are mixed with the alleged accused person.
3                   The place of recording noted
4                   The date of transmission to the concerned court is noted.
5                   The Dispatch number/out ward number is noted.

Statements recorded under Section 164 Cr.P.C.

The sworn statements of any witnesses cited by police or by the accused persons recorded by the magistrate are transmitted to the concerned court.  These statements are entered in a register for proper watch on transmission to the concerned courts.

1                   The Criminal M.P. number is noted
2                   The date of recording statement is noted
3                   The date of transmission to the concerned court noted
4                   The crime number and name of police station is noted
5                   The name of the person whose sworn statement is recorded is noted.

Register of court directions for disposal of cases

The high court has prescribed for maintenance of a register to record any directions given by the appellate court for disposal of any particular case within a specified time.  In case the case could not be disposed of within the time, permission should be sought from the concerned court.  The High court directed that in addition to maintenance of this register the direction should be noted on the docket sheet to draw the attention of the Judge.

1            The appellate court case number
2            The time allowed for disposal
3             The date of disposal.

Surety register

The court while granting bail to the accused may impose certain conditions for his appearance into the court from time to time.  The sureties may file solvency certificates issued by Local authorities; Mandal revenue officer or bank guaranties.  There are incidents of fake solvency certificates produced into court while getting released on bail.  The High Court has instructed the criminal courts to maintain a register for entering the names of sureties and the result of enquiry as to the genunity of certificate

1                   The name of the accused
2                   The crime number and police station
3                   The name of the surety
4                   Nature of solvency produced
5                   To whom the reference is sent for verification
6                   The date of receipt of report from the concerned.

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