Thursday, 26 April 2018

Single Injunction suit by several plainitffs having seperate possession and title -Court fee

U/s16&26(C)–in 1996(4) ALT-730 = (4) ALD 1057 = (2) LS-560 Komanduri  Bhanumurthi Vs Guntur Municipal Council -

 It was held that Single suit filed by nineteen  (19) plaintiffs as owners of separate plots for permanent Injunction against Municipality  – Since reliefs sought are individual, they are liable to pay separate C.F. The District  Judge is competent on administrative side, and can rectify the defects in payment of C.F.  & can order the plaintiffs to pay the required CF. 


U/s.26(c) r/w.Sec.6 of the Court Fee Act that even single suit filed for injunction by several plaintiffs – when they are respective owners of their separate plots for which injunction relief sought against Municipality, separate CF for each plot be payable. 

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