Friday, 17 October 2014

Bail by Magistrates in Sessions Cases- Interpretation of Section 437 Cr.P.C- Apex Court's Judgment .

Appeal (crl.) 324  of  2001




DATE OF JUDGMENT:    23/03/2001

K.T. Thomas & R.P. Sethi.



    Leave granted.

    Respondent    NO.2,  who is alleged to have  murdered     his
wife  and  against whom FIR No.566/92 was registered in     the
Police    Station Lajpat Nagar under Section 302 of the Indian
Penal  Code,  was  released  on     bail  by  the    Metropolitan
Magistrate,  New  Delhi on 22nd August, 2000.  The  revision
filed  against    the aforesaid order has been dismissed by  a
learned     Single     Judge    of  the     High  Court  by  passing  a
telegraphic  order to the effect "having considered the case
before    me  I am of the opinion no ground has been made     for
cancellation  of bail".     Not satisfied with the order of the
Magistrate  and     that of the High Court, the father  of     the
deceased has approached this Court in this appeal by special

    The     deceased  and the respondent No.2 were     married  on
24.11.1984.   She  is  alleged    to have     been  subjected  to
ill-treatment  on account of demand for dowry.    Huge amounts
are stated to have been paid by the appellant to the accused
on  various occasions.    On 18.3.1999 the respondent No.2  is
alleged     to have brought the deceased to her parental  house
on  Scooter No.DL 9SC-0680 where he poured kerosene oil     and
burnt  her alive in the presence of her parents.  As no case
was registered against the accused, the appellant approached
higher    authorities  including the Prime Minister of  India,
Home  Minister    of India and Commissioner of Police,  Delhi,
with  the  result that Deputy Commissioner of Police  (South
District)  directed the registration of case under  Sections
306  and  498A    IPC.   After registration  of  the  case  on
3.6.1999,  the investigating officer recorded the statements
of  witnesses  under  Section 161 of the  Code    of  Criminal
Procedure.   The accused-respondent moved an application for
grant  of  anticipatory bail in terms of Section 438 of     the
Code  of Criminal Procedure (hereinafter referred to as "the
Code").      As the bail application was not seriously  opposed
by  the Investigating Agency, the Additional Sessions Judge,
New  Delhi granted interim bail on 16.6.1999.    Applications
for  cancellation  of the anticipatory bail were  dismissed.
However,  while dismissing such an application on 13.9.1999,
the  Additional     Sessions Judge observed that if on facts  a
case  under Section 302 is made out against the accused, the
State  shall  be  at liberty to arrest him.  On     1.7.2000  a
charge-     sheet was filed against the accused under  Sections
302, 406 and 498A IPC by the investigating agency and he was
directed  to appear before the Metropolitan Magistrate,     New
Delhi  on  8.8.2000.  As he did not appear on that  date  in
that  court,  non bailable warrants were issued against     him
for  22nd  August,  2000.  In the meanwhile  the  respondent
filed a criminal miscellaneous application under Section 482
of  the     Code  in  the High  Court  without  impleading     the
appellant  as a party.    The High Court kept the order of the
Magistrate  dated  8.8.2000  in abeyance till  22nd  August,
2000.    In his petition filed in the High Court, the accused
suppressed  the     fact that a charge-sheet under Section     302
has  been  filed against him.  Notice to the  appellant     was
issued    on  17th  August,  2000     but  in  the  meantime     the
respondent  moved  an application under Section 438  of     the
Code  for  anticipatory bail before the Additional  Sessions
Judge, Delhi for which no order was passed and direction was
issued    to the accused to first appear before the Magistrate
on  22nd  August, 2000 and pray for bail in accordance    with
law.   When  he     appeared  before  the    Magistrate,  he     was
admitted  on bail even in a case under Section 302 IPC.     The
revision  petition filed in the High Court was dismissed  in
the manner as noticed hereinbefore.

    From  the  facts, as narrated in the appeal, it  appears
that  even for an offence punishable under Section 302    IPC,
the respondent-accused was never arrested and he manipulated
the  prevention of his arrest firstly by obtaining an  order
in  terms  of  Section 438 of the Code    and  subsequently  a
regular      bail    under  Section    437  of     the  Code  from   a

    Chapter XXXIII relates to the provisions as to bails and
bonds.    Section 436 provides that when any person accused of
a  bailable offence is arrested or detained without  warrant
by  an officer incharge of the police station, or appears or
is  brought before a court and is prepared at any time while
in  the     custody  of  such officer or at any  stage  of     the
proceedings  before  such  court to give bail,    such  person
shall  be  released on bail.  Under Section 437 of the    Code
when a person accused of, or suspected of, the commission of
any  non-bailable  offence is arrested or  detained  without
warrant     by  an     officer in charge of a     police     station  or
appears     or is brought before a court, he may be released on
bail  by  a  court other than the High    Court  and  Sessions
subject to the conditions that he does not reasonably appear
to  have been guilty of an offence punishable with death  or
imprisonment  for life.     The condition of not releasing     the
person on bail charged with an offence punishable with death
or  imprisonment  for life shall not be applicable  if    such
person is under the age of 16 years or is a woman or is sick
or infirm, subject to such conditions as may be imposed.  It
does  not, however, mean that persons specified in the first
proviso to sub-section (1) of Section 437 should necessarily
be  released on bail.  The proviso is an enabling  provision
which confers jurisdiction upon a court, other than the High
Court and the court of Sessions, to release a person on bail
despite     the  fact that there appears reasonable ground     for
believing  that     such person has been guilty of     an  offence
punishable with death or imprisonment for life.     There is no
gainsaying  that the discretion conferred by the Code has to
be  exercised judicially.  Section 438 of the Code  empowers
the   High  Court  and    the   Court  of     Sessions  to  grant
anticipatory  bail  to a person who apprehends    his  arrest,
subject     to  the conditions specified under sub-section     (2)

    Even  though  there is no legal bar for a Magistrate  to
consider an application for grant of bail to a person who is
arrested  for  an offence exclusively triable by a court  of
Sessions yet it would be proper and appropriate that in such
a case the Magistrate directs the accused person to approach
the Court of Sessions for the purposes of getting the relief
of  bail.  Even in a case where any Magistrate opts to    make
an  adventure of exercising the powers under Section 437  of
the  Code  in respect of a person who is, suspected  of     the
commission of such an offence, arrested and detained in that
connection,  such  Magistrate has to specifically  negtivate
the  existence of reasonable ground for believing that    such
accused is guilty of an offence punishable with the sentence
of  death  or imprisonment for life.  In a case,  where     the
Magistrate  has no occasion and in fact does not find,    that
there were no reasonable grounds to believe that the accused
had  not  committed  the offence punishable  with  death  or
imprisonment  for  life, he shall be deemed to be having  no
jurisdiction to enlarge the accused on bail.

    Powers  of    the  Magistrate,   while  dealing  with     the
applications  for  grant  of  bail,  are  regulated  by     the
punishment  prescribed for the offence in which the bail  is
sought.      Generally speaking if punishment prescribed is for
imprisonment  for life and death penalty and the offence  is
exclusively triable by the Court of Sessions, Magistrate has
no  jurisdiction to grant bail unless the matter is  covered
by  the     provisos attached to Section 437 of the Code.     The
limitations   circumscribing   the   jurisdiction   of     the
Magistrate   are  evident  and     apparent.   Assumption      of
jurisdiction to entertain the application is distinguishable
from the exercise of the jurisdiction.

    The     jurisdiction  to grant bail has to be exercised  on
the  basis  of well settled principles having regard to     the
circumstances  of each case and not in an arbitrary  manner.
While  granting the bail, the court has to keep in mind     the
nature    of  accusations, the nature of evidence     in  support
thereof,  the  severity of the punishment  which  conviction
will entail, the character, behaviour, means and standing of
the  accused,  circumstances  which   are  peculiar  to     the
accused,  reasonable possibility of securing the presence of
the  accused  at the trial, reasonable apprehension  of     the
witnesses  being tampered with, the larger interests of     the
public    or  State and similar other considerations.  It     has
also  to  be kept in mind that for the purposes of  granting
the  bail  the    Legislature has used the  words     "reasonable
grounds for believing" instead of "the evidence" which means
the court dealing with the grant of bail can only satisfy it
as  to    whether there is a genuine case against the  accused
and that the prosecution will be able to produce prima facie
evidence  in support of the charge.  It is not excepted , at
this  stage, to have the evidence establishing the guilt  of
the accused beyond reasonable doubt.

    In    the instant case while exercising the  jurisdiction,
apparently  under Section 437 of the Code, the    Metropolitan
Magistrate  appears  to     have completely ignored  the  basic
principles  governing  the  grant of bail.   The  Magistrate
referred  to  certain facts and the provisions of law  which
were  not, in any way, relevant for the purposes of deciding
the application for bail in a case where accused was charged
with  an  offence punishable with death or imprisonment     for
life.    The  mere  initial grant of  anticipatory  bail     for
lesser offence, did not entitle the respondent to insist for
regular     bail  even  if     he was     subsequently  found  to  be
involved  in the case of murder.  Neither Section 437(5) nor
Section     439(1)     of  the Code was attracted.  There  was  no
question  of  cancellation  of bail earlier granted  to     the
accused     for an offence punishable under Sections 498A,     306
and  406  IPC.    The Magistrate committed a  irregularity  by
holding that "I do not agree with the submission made by the
Ld.Prosecutor in as much as if we go by his submissions then
the accused would be liable for arrest every time the charge
is  altered or enhanced at any stage, which is certainly not
the  spirit  of law".  With the change of the nature of     the
offence,  the  accused    becomes disentitled to    the  liberty
granted     to  him  in  relation to a minor  offence,  if     the
offence     is  altered  for an aggravated crime.     Instead  of
referring  to  the  grounds which entitled  the     respondent-
accused     the  grant of bail, the Magistrate adopted a  wrong
approach  to confer him the benefit of liberty on  allegedly
finding     that  no grounds were made out for cancellation  of

    Despite  the involvement of important questions of    law,
the  High  Court failed in its obligation to adjudicate     the
pleas  of law raised before it and dismissed the petition of
the  appellant    by a one sentence order.  The orders of     the
Magistrate  as also of the High Court being contrary to     law
are liable to be set aside.

    While  allowing this appeal and setting aside the orders
impugned  we  permit  the respondent-accused  to  apply     for
regular bail in the trial court.  If any such application is
filed,    the same shall be disposed of on its merits  keeping
in  view  the  position     of law and  the  observations    made
hereinabove.   We  would reiterate that in cases  where     the
offence     is  punishable with death or imprisonment for    life
which  is  triable exclusively by a court of  Sessions,     the
Magistrate  may,  in  his wisdom, refrain  to  exercise     the
powers    of  granting  the  bail and  refer  the     accused  to
approach the higher courts unless he is fully satisfied that
there is no reasonable ground for believing that the accused
has  been  guilty  of an offence punishable  with  death  or
imprisonment for life.


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