Friday 27 October 2023

No application is needed for the return of the unmarked documents



Dis.No.                /Admn/2017                                       Dt. 07-12-2017.



                                            C I R C U L A R


Sub:- Courts – Civil – Return of un-filed documents - Certain instructions issued.


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                It is brought to the notice of the undersigned that, the parties in civil cases are filing documents for the purpose of evidence in various suits or other proceedings and out of them certain documents remain unmarked for various reasons and later the parties are approaching the Courts for return of those unfiled/un-marked documents filed in such cases, and certain Courts are insisting for filing petitions for return of documents and also passing orders for return on substitution of certified copies. Thereafter, the litigant parties are filing copy applications for issue of certified copies of those documents to enable them to substitute the certified copies for the original as directed by the Courts concerned. It is observed that, the concerned section clerks are returning such copy applications with an endorsement that the unmarked documents cannot be issued as certified copies. This situation is causing serious hardship to the litigants in taking back the unmarked documents. In certain courts, the concerned bench clerks are even consigning the unfiled documents into record section without returning the same to party concerned. In order to obviate this hardship to the litigant parties, the undersigned is desirous to apprise all concerned regarding the legal position on this aspect.


Order XIII Rule 7 CPC

Recording of admitted and return of rejected documents:-

(1)            Every document which has been admitted in evidence or a copy thereof where a copy has been substituted for the original under Rule 5, shall form part of the record of the suit.


(2)          Documents not admitted in evidence shall not form part of the record and shall be returned to the persons respectively producing them.



Rule 2 of the Rules made under the Destruction of Records Act, 1917 vide R.O.C.No.9/S.O/73.


The relevant portion reads as under:

Un-filed documents to be kept apart and destroyed:


Para 1: xxxx


Para 2: xxxx


          No application is needed for the return of the documents produced which have either not been tendered in evidence or if tendered, have been rejected. It is sufficient if a receipt for their return is taken in the list with which have been put up.


        From the above it is clear that the statute provides clear and unambiguous provisions for return of un-filed documents in favour of parties; there is no need to insist the parties to file applications for return of un-filed documents and to substitute them with certified copies.

        In this context a Judgment of Hon'ble High Court reported in
AIR 2006 AP page 3 (Lokara Om Kumar V/S Baikan Satyanarayana) is referred where the Hon'ble High Court in para 8 held as under;

[8] As per Regulation 2, unfilled documents, which have been tendered in evidence or those documents, which have been tendered in evidence, have been rejected, have to be returned to the party who produced such documents. If those documents are not reclaimed by the party, who produced them, then only they have to be retained in the Court for a period of one year from the date of final order. This only means that there is no necessity to keep the unmarked documents in the case file. In the eventuality of the party producing the unmarked documents not reclaimed them then only such documents have to be retained in the Court for a period of one year. Therefore, the view taken by the learned Principal Junior Civil Judge, Ranga Reddy District at L.B. Nagar, is

unsustainable in law.


        Therefore, all the Judicial Officers working in the unit are requested to not to insist the parties for filing applications for return of unfiled documents in deviation of the statutory provisions. They have to return all the un-filed documents as per Rule 2 of Rules framed under the Destruction of Records Act as specified above without insisting to file any application. However an exception is drawn that the documents such as Pronotes, bonds etc., even though unmarked in compromise decrees/settlements before Lok Adalat etc., should be superseded and retained in the record as they become void and useless by virtue of a decree/award.  These instructions shall be followed scrupulously in order to avoid loss and hardship to the litigant public and for smooth and effective administration of justice.


 The receipt of circular shall be acknowledged.                                               



  Prl.District and Sessions Judge,



All the Judicial Officers in the Unit.

All Bar Associations in the Unit.


NBWs in NI Act cases shall be executed by Police


The Hon’ble High Court TG and AP in a Judgment reported in 2015 (2) ALT(Crl) 193 = 2015 (2) ALD(Crl) 111 (K.Sangameshawar Vs Chand Pasha) it is ruled that neither the Code of Criminal Procedure nor in the Criminal Rules of Practice contemplate execution of N.B.Ws by the complainant. Further it is held that as per Order 447(3) in Chapter 25 of A.P. Police Manual, N.B.Ws have to executed only by the Police Officers.