The Pay of Government Employee varies from the Date of Joining in the Government Service to the date of Retirement from time to time on different occasions.
The Pay fixation of Government employee arises generally in the following circumstances.
1. Date of Initial joining in the Government Service:-
The pay of a Government Servant who joins in Government service his / her pay initially will be fixed at the minimum of the pay attached to the post to which he / she is appointed under the provisions of FR 26 (b).
Example: The pay of an employee recruited as Assistant Section Officer in Telangana Public Service Commission Shall be fixed at Rs. 26600/- in the time scale of pay of Rs. 26600-77030 and his next date of increment shall be after completion of required service to earn an annual grade increment under the provisions of FR 26 ( i.e., 12 Months qualifying Service ).
Note :- 1. The pay of a regular Government Servant when appointed directly to another post, under the Government on selection by the Telangana Public Service Commission shall be fixed in the new post at a stage which is not lower than the pay drawn by him / her in the earlier post under the provisions of FR 22 (a) (iv) provided that the benefit shall be confined to the Government employees, local bodies employees. The employees working in Central Government, Universities, Aided Institutions etc., are not eligible for the benefit. If these conditions are not fulfilled he / she shall draw as initial pay the minimum of the Time –Scale.
Example: The pay of a Government Service who worked as Junior Assistant drawing pay 28120/- in the time scale of pay of Rs. 16400-49870 in Revenue Dept who selected as ASO in Public Service Commission in the time scale of pay of Rs. 26600-77030 shall be fixed as follows.
Pay drawn in JA Category : 28120/16400-49870
Scale of pay of ASO : 26600-77030.
Pay shall be fixed at Rs. 28120/- in the Assistant Section Officer cadre in the Time Scale of Pay Rs. 26600-77030 instead of the minimum of pay at Rs. 26600/- under the provisions of FR 22(a) (iv).
However protection of date of increment in the previous post not allowed as per Memo No. 14497/188/A1/FR.II/2000 dated 15.10.2004. Therefore the date of increment in the new post shall be allowed after completion of twelve months qualifying service to earn an increment from the date of joining in the new post.
Note: (2) The Basic pay of newly recruited Last Grade Employee in the Revised Pay Scales 1999 shall be fixed after adding two increments to the minimum of pay i.e., Rs. 2650/- in the time scale of pay of Rs. 2550- under the provisions of G.O.Ms.No. 114 F & P dated 11.08.1999.
2. Pay Fixation on Promotion: The pay of a Government employee who is promoted to a higher post on time scale of pay shall be regulated under the provisions of FR 22 (a) (i), FR 22 (B).
Exercising of Option: The Government servants who are promoted or appointed to the posts carrying duties and responsibilities of greater importance than those attached to the posts held by them have to exercise their option for fixation of their pay in the promotion post within a period of one month from the date of promotion.
“The option can be exercised for pay fixation in higher promotion post under the provisions of FR 22-B either directly from the date of their promotion or from the date of accrual of next increment in the lower category”. Option once exercised shall be final.
However the employees may be allowed to exercise revised option for fixation of pay under FR 22 B, only in cases where the date of increment is altered or the circumstances that existed as on the date
of exercising the option have materially altered by any orders of Government or authority. (Memo No. 4073/4/FR.II/A1/90 F & P (FW-FR.II) Dept Dated 11.02.1990.
The Government servants may be allowed only one opportunity to revise their option provided such revised option shall be within a period of one year from the date of promotion (G.O.Ms.NO. 102 F & P Dept Dated 19.03.1991.
If a Government Servant does not exercise his option, in writing, within the stipulated time of one month from the date of promotion, the competent authority shall fix the pay by adopting the method which may be most beneficial to the employee as per rules in force. ( G.O.Ms.No. 145 Finance (F.R.II) Dept dated 19.05.2009.)
A Government Servant who is promoted to higher post may submit his option for pay fixation in two ways.
a) Pay fixations under the provisions of FR 22 (B) from the date of promotion without further review. In this case the next date of increment will fall due on completion of 12 months qualifying service from the date of promotion.
b) Pay fixation initially under FR 22 (a) (i) as on the date of promotion
and fixation under FR 22 (B) as on the date of increment in lower
Fixation of pay under FR 22 (a) (i) : When a Government Servant is appointed to a higher post involves higher duties and responsibilities of greater importance his pay shall be fixed at a stage next above his pay in lower post.
Example: Where a Assistant Section Officer appointed to next higher post Section Officer his pay shall be fixed as follows in the manner prescribed under FR 22 (a) (i).
Pay drawing in the Cadre of ASO Rs.33, 220 in the time scale of pay of Rs.26600-77030
Pay shall be fixed in the Section Officer Cadre at Rs.34150 in the time scale of pay Rs. 37100-91450 ( Scale of pay attached to the Section Officer Category).
Fixation of Pay under FR 22 (B) :
Fundamental Rule 22 (B) was incorporated vide G.O.Ms.No. 239 F & P (FW.FR.II) Dept dated 23.08.1983. Under the provisions of FR 22 (B), where Government Servant is promoted or appointed to another post carrying duties and responsibilities of greater importance than those attached to the post held by him, his initial pay in the time scale of the higher post shall be fixed at the stage next above the pay notionally arrived at, by increasing his pay in respect of the lower post by one increment at the stage at which such pay has accured.
These provisions shall be applicable to all the Government servants from time to time to the following categories.
a) All posts carrying the scale of Rs. 1200-1900 or below in Revised Pay Scales 1976.
b) All posts carrying the scale of 1800-2500 or below in Revised pay scales 1979.
c) All posts carrying the scale of pay indicated in column (3) of Schedule I to Revised Scales of Pay Scales 1986.
d) Where a Government Servant is promoted to higher post without availing the provisions available under Automatic advancement Scheme i.e., 1 / 12 / 18 / 24 Years Scales in RPS 1993. (G.O.Ms.No. 290 F & P (FW.PC.II) Dept Dated 22.07.1993.
e) Where a Government Servant, who is holding Special Grade post / Special Promotion Post I/Spl Adhoc Promotion Post I, Special Promotion Post Scale II / Special Adhoc Promotion Scale II, is promoted or appointed to next higher post on or after 01.07.1992, in Revised Pay Scales 1993 his pay in the time higher posts shall be fixed in terms of FR 22 (a) (i) only but not under the FR 22 (B). (G.O.Ms.No. 290 F & P (FW.PC.II) Dept Dated 22.07.1993.
f) Where a Government Servant who is holding ordinary Grade / Special Grade post / Special Promotion Post I/Spl Adhoc Promotion Post I, is promoted or appointed to next higher post on or after 01.07.2003, his pay in the time higher post shall be fixed in terms of FR 22 (B) in Revised Pay Scales 2005 (G.O.Ms.No. 399 Finance Dept Dated 18.11.2005.
g) The provisions under FR 22 (B) are not applicable to Government Servant who is holding Special Promotion Post Scale II / Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale II ( 24 Years Scale ) and promoted to higher post. In these cases pay fixation shall be allowed under FR 22 (a)(I) only.
h) Where a Government Servant who is holding Special Grade post / Special Promotion Post I A / B/ Spl Adhoc Promotion Post IA/B is promoted or appointed to next higher post his pay in the time higher post shall be fixed in terms of FR 22 (B) in Revised Pay Scales 2015 (G.O.Ms.No. 399 Finance Dept Dated 18.11.2005. The provisions under FR 22 (B) are not applicable to Government Servant who is holding Special Promotion Post Scale II / Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale II ( 24 Years Scale ).
i) Where a Government servant who has drawn all the permissible stagnation increments is promoted / appointed to next higher post his pay shall not be fixed under FR 22 (B). The pay shall be fixed under the provisions of FR 22 (a) (i) read with FR 31 (2) only.
Fixation of pay under FR 22 (B) as on the date of promotion:
Example (1). Where a Section Officer who put in service of ten years and drawing Pay Rs. 46060/- in the scale of pay Rs. 37100-91450.
is promoted or appointed to next higher post of Assistant Secretary on 01.01.2014.
The pay fixation shall be made as follows:
Pay in the cadre of Section officer as on the date of promotion i.e., 01.01.2014 is Rs. 46060/-in the time scale of pay Rs. 37100-91450.
Add one notional increment in the lower post Rs. 1270/-
Total: Rs. 47330/-
Pay shall be fixed at next higher stage at Rs. 48,600/- in the cadre of Assistant Secretary in the time Scale of pay Rs. 46060-98440.
The monetary benefit shall be allowed from 01.01.2014.
The Date of next increment after completion of twelve months qualifying service from the date of fixation under FR 22 (B).
Example (2). Where a Section officer who is drawing the Pay 43680/- in the scale of pay Rs. 37100-91450, promoted to next higher post Assistant Secretary, his pay shall be fixed at minimum of the time scale of AS post as follows.
Pay of Section Officer is Rs. 43680/- in the scale of pay Rs. 37100-91450.
The pay shall be fixed at Rs. 46060/- at the minimum of time Scale of pay of Rs. 46060-98440 ( Assistant Secretary Scale of Pay).
Fixation of initially under FR 22 (a) (i) from the date of promotion and under FR 22 (B) as on the date of increment in the lower cadre:
Where a Assistant Secretary drawing pay Rs.63010/- in the time scale of pay of Rs. 46060-98440 is promoted on 30.3.2014 to next higher post of Deputy Secretary carrying the scale of pay Rs. 56870-105810, the pay shall be fixed as follows. Assume the date of increment in the cadre of AS is 01.07.2014.
Initial pay fixation under FR 22 (a) (i) as follows.
Pay as on 30.3.2014 (the date of promotion) is Rs. 63010/-
Pay shall be fixed at next higher stage at Rs. 64670/- in the time scale Rs. 56870-105810. The monetary benefit shall be allowed from 30.3.2014.
Further fixation under FR 22 (B) as on the date of increment in AS Cadre:
Pay as on 30.3.2014 in the AS Cadre is Rs. 63010/-
Releasing of AGI due on 01.07.2014 and pay raised to Rs. 64670/-
Add one notional increment in lower cadre Rs. 1660/-
Total Rs. 66330/-
Pay fixation at next higher stage at Rs. 67990/- in the time scale of pay Rs. 56870-105810 ( Deputy Secretary).
Next date of increment after completion twelve months qualifying service.
Fixation of pay when a Government Servant is appointed / transferred to lower post at his own request:
When a Government Servant is appointed to a lower posts at one’s own request the pay shall be fixed at the same stage he is drawing in the previous post under the provisions of FR 22 (a) (ii). But if the maximum of the time scale of new posts is less than the pay drawn by employee in the previous post his pay shall be fixed at maximum of time scale of new post.
Example (1) : Where a Section Officer who is drawing the pay of Rs. 42490/- in the time scale of pay 37100-91450 is appointed to lower post Assistant Section Officer on his request the pay in the ASO cadre shall be regulated as follows under the provisions of FR 22 (a) (ii).
Pay drawn in the cadre of Section Officer Rs. 42490/37100-91450.
Pay shall be fixed at same stage only at Rs. 42490/- in the time scale of pay attached to the ASO Cadre 26600-77030.
Example (2): Where a Section Officer who is drawing the pay of Rs. 78910/- in the time scale of pay 37100-91450 is appointed to lower post Assistant Section Officer on his request the pay in the ASO cadre shall be regulated as follows under the provisions of FR 22 (a) (iii).
Pay drawn in the cadre of Section Officer Rs. 78910/37100-91450.
Pay shall be fixed at maximum of pay of time scale of pay of ASO 26600-77030 at Rs. 77030/-.
No personal pay (difference of pay in SO cadre and new pay in ASO cadre) is admissible in these cases.
Fixation of pay when reverted to a lower grade as a measure of penalty (FR 28).
When a Government Servant is reverted to a lower grade as a measure of penalty he may be allowed to draw pay not exceeding the maximum of the lower grade, but it should not exceed the pay which he would have been drawn had he continued in the lower grade.
Fixation of pay on appointment to Automatic Advancement Scheme:
When a Government Servant is appointed to Special Grade Scale, Special Promotion Post Scale I A / B, Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale I A / B and Special Promotion post Scale II / Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale II on completion of (6) years, (12) years (18) Years and (24) years incremental service respectively, the pay shall be fixed under FR 22 (a) (i) read with FR 31 (2).
Example (1): Where a Government Servant drawing pay Rs.31460/-in the time scale of pay Rs. 26600-77030 in the cadre of Assistant Section officer appointed to Special Grade Scale on 07.05.2015 on completion of (6) years incremental Service. Let us assume the date of increment in the ASO cadre is 01.12.2015. His pay shall be fixed as follows:
Pay drawn Rs. 31460/- in the time scale of pay Rs. 26600-77030 in the cadre of Assistant Section officer ( Ordinary Grade Scale ).
Date of appointment to Special Grade Scale : 07.05.2015.
Date of increment : 01.12.2015.
Pay shall be fixed at Rs. 32340/- in the time scale of Pay Rs. 28940-78910 ( Special Grade Scale).
Pay shall be re-fixed on the date of increment at Rs. 33220/- on the date of increment i.e., 01.12.2015 under the provisions of FR 31 (2).
Example (2):
Where a Government Servant drawing pay Rs.39160/-in the time scale of pay Rs.26600-77030 in the cadre of Assistant Section officer appointed to Special promotion post Scale I A Scale on 07.05.2015 on completion of (12) years incremental Service. Let us assume the
date of increment in the ASO cadre is 01.12.2015. His pay shall be fixed as follows:
Pay drawn Rs. 39160/- in the time scale of pay Rs. 26600-77030 in the cadre of Assistant Section officer.
Date of appointment to Special promotion post Scale I A : 07.05.2015.
Date of increment: 01.12.2015.
Pay shall be fixed at Rs.40270/- in the time scale of Pay Rs.37100-91450 (The Scale attached to the Section Officer cadre).
Pay shall be re-fixed on the date of increment at Rs.41380/- on the date of increment i.e., 01.12.2015 under the provisions of FR 31 (2).
Example (3):
Where a Government Servant drawing pay Rs.46060/-in the time scale of pay Rs. 37100-91450 ( SPP I A Scale )in the cadre of Assistant Section officer appointed to Special promotion post Scale I B on 07.05.2015 on completion of (18) years incremental Service. Let us assume the date of increment in the ASO cadre is 01.12.2015. His pay shall be fixed as follows:
Pay drawn Rs. 47330/- in the time scale of pay Rs. 26600-77030 in the cadre of Assistant Section officer.
Date of appointment to Special promotion post Scale I B : 07.05.2015.
Date of increment : 01.12.2015.
Pay shall be fixed at Rs. 48600/- in the time scale of Pay of Special Promotion Post Scale I A only at Rs. 37100-91450. Here the scale of pay does not varies.
Pay shall be re-fixed on the date of increment at Rs. 49870/- on the date of increment i.e., 01.12.2015 under the provisions of FR 31 (2).
Example (4):
When a Government Servant drawing pay Rs.73270/-in the time scale of pay Rs.37100-91450 ( Special Promotion Post Scale I B ) in the cadre of Assistant Section officer appointed to Special promotion post Scale II on 06.03.2015 on completion of (24) years incremental
Service. Let us assume the date of increment in the ASO cadre is 01.12.2015. His pay shall be fixed as follows:
Pay drawn Rs. 73270/- in the time scale of pay Rs. 37100-91450 ( Special Promotion Post Scale I B ) in the cadre of Assistant Section officer.
Date of appointment to Special promotion post Scale II : 06.03.2015.
Date of increment : 01.12.2015.
Pay shall be fixed at Rs. 75150/- in the time scale of Pay of Special Promotion Post Scale II of pay Rs. 46060-98440 ( Scale attached to the Assistant Secretary ).
Pay shall be re-fixed on the date of increment at Rs. 77030/- on the date of increment i.e., 01.12.2015 under the provisions of FR 31 (2).
Pay fixation of retrenched employees:
The Pay of retrenched employees owing to reduction of staff as a measure of economy when absorbed on same post or a lower post should be fixed at minimum of the time scale of the absorbed post ( new post) and add increments counting their completed continued service in the previous post.
For Example : Where an employee drawing pay 18400/- in the time scale of pay Rs.15030-46060 having a service of (4) years, is appointed to a post carrying time scale of pay of Rs. 14600-44870, the pay shall be fixed as follows.
Initial pay fixation at minimum of new post at Rs. 14600/-
Grade increments for four continuous service in the previous post, then the pay will be fixed at Rs. 16400/- (14600+430 First increment +430 Second Increment+470Third increment+470 fourth increment.
Fixation of pay on the introduction of new time-scale ( other than Revised Pay scales ):
When a time scale is introduced in a cadre already in existence or when the time scale of the post is changed the pay of the Government Servant should be fixed as follows:
a) The employee should be given the same pay drawn in old scale in the new time scale also if it is a stage in new time scale.
b) If it is not stage, his pay in the new time scale should be fixed at a lesser stage and difference should be granted as personal pay.
Note: It may generally be seen that when the time scale of pay of the post is changed the Government specially indicate in their order the method of fixing the pay in the new scale where any departure from the normal method of fixation is intended