Police Officers derive their powers of arrest without warrant from
sections 41, 42, 43(2), 60, 129 and 151 of CrPC. Sections 46, 47, 49,
50, 51, 56, 57, 167 and 169 CrPC inter alia deal with procedures, during
and after arrest.
Arrests can be made by Police Officers with Warrants issued by the
Courts. There is no discretion allowed to the police in executing
Warrants of arrests. The Warrant must, be in writing, signed and sealed
by the presiding officer. It should specify the offence as well as
clearly the identity of the person to be arrested. The Warrant sometimes
may specify the date on which the Warrantee is to be produced in the
Court. If such a Warrant cannot be executed within the time specified, a
fresh Warrant might be obtained after returning the earlier one. The
validity of a Warrant is an important matter particularly in respect of
those meant for arrest of persons in other countries.
The Warrants are either bailable or non-bailable. In respect of
bailable Warrants the arrestee should be released on bail when he offers
the required security and in respect of non-bailable Warrants the
Police Officer has no discretion, and the person must be produced before
the concerned Court. Prompt execution of Warrant is one of the foremost
duties of the Police and should receive high priority.
The Warrant must be executed by the officer to whom it is endorsed.
If that officer wants warrant to be executed by his subordinate officer
he must make endorsement by name accordingly. 448-1. Articles 21 and
22 of the Constitution lay down that no one shall be deprived of his
life or liberty except in accordance with procedure established by law
and that arrested persons are entitled to know the grounds of their
arrest and a right to consult and be defended by an Advocate of their
choice and that every arrested person should be produced before a
Magistrate within 24 hours. Arrest takes away the liberty of a person
and should therefore be affected in strictest compliance of the law.
Wherever it is warranted it should be promptly carried out but arrest is
not to be effected just because a police officer has the power. No
accurate account of all circumstances under which arrest without Warrant
can be made or should not be made can be detailed. He must exercise it
with discretion.
Conditions necessitating arrest
To infuse confidence among the terror stricken victims, particularly in
grave offences like murder, dacoity, robbery, burglary, rape, organized
crime, terrorist offences etc.
B. In cases where the accused is likely to abscond and evade the process of law;
The accused is given to violent behaviour and is likely to commit
further offences unless his movements are brought under restraint;
D. The accused is a habitual offender and unless kept in custody, he is likely to continue to commit similar offences;
E. Where it is necessary that his presence is required for the purpose of investigation.
F. Where accused is likely to tamper or intimidate or cause physical hurt to witnesses or destroy other evidence.
Police Officer making an arrest should record in all the relevant
records, the reasons for making the arrest, thereby bring out his
conformity to the instructions given in this order and must be able to
justify the arrest if required. The Police Constables and Head
Constables who make the arrest should submit a report detailing the
circumstances of the arrest to the SHO or IO concerned who should
incorporate the contents of such reports in the General Diary, Case
Diary etc.
3. All Police Constables, Head
Constables and Sub-Inspectors working in the field and empowered under
law to exercise the powers of arrest without Warrant, should exercise
their powers with prudence and be accountable for the arrest made in the
discharge of their assigned tasks and duties.
In the light of these instructions, the action of Police Officers of all
ranks in arresting persons where it is not necessary and not arresting
where it is necessary, will amount to misconduct and may entail suitable
disciplinary action.
1. No arrest should be
made in a routine manner simply because the law empowers the police
officer to do so. The existence of the power to arrest is one thing
while justification for the exercise of power of arrest is quite
another. The police officer must draw a margin between vindictivity and
2. The police officer may without
arresting, keep a watch on a person and then arrest him, if subsequent
events justify such action. No restraint can lawfully be exercised over a
person so long as he is not arrested.
3. The
arrest should be avoided if the intention is only to verify the
suspicion of involvement against a person. A police officer may under
section 160 CrPC issue a notice to the suspected person to attend the
police station and interrogate him. He should not be detained for long
and more than necessary.
Joginder Kumar vs State of U.P. and others A.I.R. 1994 SC 1349
Arrest of Children and Women
The Juvenile Justice (Care And Protection Of Children) Act 2000
prohibits lodging of children in police lock-ups or being brought to
police stations after arrest. Alternatives are provided for lodging the
delinquent juveniles. The procedure prescribed therein should be
observed in respect of juveniles.
2. The following instructions shall be followed whenever arrest of women is contemplated.
While making arrest of a woman submission to custody should be presumed
unless circumstances to the contrary exist. There should be no occasion
for a male Police Officer to touch her person. It is therefore
advisable whenever it is proposed to arrest a female, women police
should be employed.
B. Arrest of women should as far as possible during night times be avoided unless it is inevitable.
When it is not possible to secure the services of women Police
Officers, an officer of the rank of ASI or above should effect the
D. Bail may be granted where the offence for
which the arrest is made is not of a serious nature. The SHO may
exercise his discretion in non-bailable offences to release a woman
arrestee on bail.
E. Whenever a woman is arrested, the
services of women Police Officers should be utilized for guarding and
escorting her. If women Police Officers are not available in the Police
Station, one of the relations of the arrested woman, of her choice can
be permitted to remain with her. When interrogation of the arrested
woman is done by a male Police Officer the relation or woman Police
Officer should be present. If a Woman Police Officer herself is
conducting the interrogation, the presence of a woman relative may not
be necessary.
Rights of Arrested Persons
The arrested persons have certain rights with which the Police Officers
should be familiar. These are important from the human rights angle
also besides being statutory provisions and should be respected. The
important rights are -
A. Right to be informed of the grounds of arrest
B. Right to be produced before a Magistrate without unnecessary delay and within 24 hours
C. Right to consult a legal practitioner or any one of his choice
D. Right to be informed of right to bail
E. Right of a person without means to free legal aid and to be informed about it
F. Right to be examined by a Medical Officer
Direction to subordinates to arrest
When a Police Officer in-charge of a police station, or any Police
Officer making an investigation, is himself not able to effect the
arrest of a person, he may, under Section 55 of the CrPC depute any
officer subordinate to him to arrest the person. When such an officer is
deputed, he should be given an order in writing specifying the person
to be arrested and the offence or cause for which the arrest is to be
made. The officer so authorised shall notify to the person to be
arrested, the substance of the order and, if so required by such person,
shall show him the order. This section, however, does not take away the
statutory power vested in all Police Officers by Section 41 of the
2. A Head Constable in-charge of an outpost or a
beat area or check post, without the intervention of the SHO, may take
action in offences under special and local enactments, which empower the
Head Constable to take action.
3. When a private person
arrests any person who commits a non-bailable and cognizable offence in
his view, he shall be taken to the nearest police station immediately
and such person shall be re-arrested by the police.
The following requirements laid down by Supreme Court should be observed in all cases of arrest or detention:
The police personnel carrying out the arrest and handling the
interrogation of the arrestee should bear accurate, visible and clear
identification and name tags with their designations. The particulars of
all such police personnel who handle interrogation of the arrestee must
be recorded in a register.
D.K. Basu vs State of West Bengal. AIR 1997 Supreme Court Page 610 and Government Orders issued in this regard
Memo No. 564, 23/HRC/93-12 dt. 20-10-97 of GAD. RC No. 43383/C3/87 dt. 22-10-97 of DGP.
That the Police Officer carrying out the arrest of a person shall
prepare a memo of arrest at the time of arrest and such memo shall be
attested by at least one witness, who may be either member of the family
of the arrestee or respectable person of the locality where the arrest
is made. It shall also be countersigned by the arrestee and contain the
time and date of arrest.
3. A person who has been
arrested or detained and is being held in custody in a police station or
interrogation centre or other lock-up, shall be entitled to have one
friend or relative or other person known to him or having interest in
his welfare informed, as soon as practicable, that he has been arrested
and is being detained at the particular place, unless the attesting
witness of the memo of arrest is himself such a friend or a relative of
the arrestee.
4. The time, place of arrest and venue of
custody of an arrestee must be notified by the police where the next
friend or relative of the arrestee lives outside the district or town
through the Legal Aid Organization in the District and the police
station of the area concerned telegraphically within a period of 8 to 12
hours after the arrest.
5. The person arrested must be
made aware of this right to have someone informed of his arrest or
detention as soon as he is put under arrest or is detained.
An entry must be made in the diary at the place of detention regarding
the arrest of the person which shall also disclose the name of the next
friend of the person who has been informed of the arrest and the names
and particulars of the Police Officials in whose custody the arrestee
7. The arrestee should, where he so requests, be also
examined at the time of his arrest about major or minor injuries, if
any, present on his/her body. The ?Inspection Memo? must be signed both
by the arrestee and the Police Officer affecting the arrest and its copy
provided to the arrestee.
8. The arrestee should be
subjected to medical examination every 48 hours during his detention in
custody by a doctor from the panel of approved doctors appointed by
Director, Health Services of the concerned State or Union Territory.
Director, Health Services should prepare such a panel for all Mandals
and Districts as well.
9. Copies of all the documents
including the memo of arrest, referred to above, should be sent to the
jurisdictional Magistrate for his record.
10. The arrestee may be permitted to meet his lawyer during interrogation, though not throughout the interrogation.
A police control room should be provided at all district and State
headquarters, where information regarding the arrest and the place of
custody of the arrestee shall be communicated by the officer causing the
arrest, within 12 hours of effecting the arrest and it should be
displayed on a conspicuous police board at the police control room.
Guidelines for a Police Officer in making an arrest
When a police officer proceeds to arrest a person and cannot identify
him personally, he should secure the services of a person who knows the
person to be arrested and should also provide himself, if available,
with a photograph, a descriptive role and the marks of identification of
that person. He should be sure of the identity of the person to be
2. The police officer should be in uniform with
his name and number if any, on the pocket, besides carrying his
identity card or, if in plain clothes, carry his identity card and
should disclose his identity. He should arm himself with such firearms
and accessories required for his defence, if the circumstances demand
such a precaution.
3. Police parties engaged on
anti-dacoity, terrorist operations or similar duties which are likely to
lead to arrests of dangerous persons, should carry handcuffs and
leading chains to secure the arrestees, to prevent their escape or
4. The person to be arrested with or without warrant should be informed of the grounds for making the arrest.
5. The arrest should be affected without unnecessary violence or publicity.
Section 46 of the Cr.P.C lays down that the police officer making the
arrest of a person shall do so by actually touching or confining the
body of the person to be arrested, unless there is submission to the
custody by word or action.
7. When a person is to be
apprehended and if he resists by force or tries to evade, the arresting
police officer may use necessary force to arrest him except causing
death. But if the accused to be arrested is involved in an offence
punishable with death or imprisonment for life, the force can be even to
the extent of causing death depending upon the circumstances.
When a person to be arrested is concealing himself in a closed place,
the police officer has every right to enter such place even by force to
affect the arrest. He can even arrest every one who obstructs him from
discharging his duty. However, he must behave decently with women
9. Police officer can exercise the right of private defence of his body and others while facing resistance in making arrest.
Search of the arrested person by the Police
Whenever a person is arrested and not released on bail by a police
officer a thorough search of his clothes and belongings should be made
before putting him in lockup. Articles found upon him other than
necessary wearing apparel should be placed in safe custody and if any
articles are seized from his person, a receipt showing the articles
taken possession by the Police Officer shall be given to such person.
The personal articles of the person should be kept in safe custody in
the Property Room (Malkhana) and entries made in concerned registers. If
there are any incriminating articles or objects or materials, which
might be necessary for investigation, they should be separated and the
procedure for recording and despatch of case property to courts should
be followed. The other property should be returned to him or his nearest
kith or kin when he is remanded to custody.
2. Whenever
it is necessary to cause a female to be searched, the search shall be
made by a Woman Police Officer or another female with strict regard to
3. The officer or other person making any
arrest, shall seize from the arrested person any offensive weapons,
which he has on his person and shall deliver all weapons so taken to the
court or officer before which or whom he is produced.
Treatment of the arrested persons: Whenever any person is arrested by a
Police Officer or by a private person and is brought to the police
station, the SHO shall examine the body of the arrested person and note
whether he has any injuries over his body. If any, injuries are observed
irrespective of their nature, he should forward the said person to the
nearest Medical Officer of the Government Civil Hospital or other
Hospitals of local bodies authorized for medico-legal work, for
treatment and injury certificate. The Medical Officer should be
requested to specify the age of each injury.
5. When any
person with injuries in a serious condition or a drunken person in
uncontrollable condition, who is unable to take care of himself, is
brought to the police station, the SHO shall immediately forward such
person(s) to the Government Hospital. Any delay may cause death, in
which case the Police Officer in-charge of the police station will be
held responsible. The statement of the injured person should be recorded
in the hospital and further action taken.
6. When an
arrestee demands examination of his body, which will afford evidence to
disprove the charge leveled against him and establish his innocence or
evidence of an offence against his own body, the Police Officer should
forward him to the Medical Officer of the Government Civil Hospital for
the examination and injury certificate. Such a certificate shall be
forwarded to the Magistrate concerned.
Police Custody
A person who is arrested and not released on bail shall be detained in a
secure area of the Police Station earmarked for such purposes, under
constant watch. A prisoner whom the SHO considers to be dangerous and is
likely to escape should be kept in the lock-up under continuous and
effective watch. This should be done only after making a thorough search
and necessary entries should be made in the prisoners search register
and guard or watch sentry relief book.
2. A person called
to a police station for questioning in order to verify his complicity
in any offence shall not be kept in lock-up, without effecting arrest.
Arrested persons who are known to be goondas, rowdies, dangerous
criminals, members of organized gangs, terrorist groups, those likely to
escape and charged in serious offences of murder, rape, kidnapping for
ransom etc. should be kept in the lock up rooms.
3. A
person in police custody shall not be permitted to leave the lock-up
after sun set, except in special and emergent circumstances (and that
too with adequate escort) which shall be recorded in the general diary
and the Sentry Relief Book.
4. A person in police custody
prior to remand is entitled to see his relatives and an Advocate. He
should not, however, be allowed to talk to members of the public. If the
arrested person desires that one of his relatives may be permitted to
remain with him, his request should be considered unless there are
compelling security reasons. If the arrested person for health reasons
prefers to get his food from his residence, he can be permitted, but the
person bringing food to the police station should be made to eat
samples of all the food items before serving to the person in custody.
However, in normal course, the arrested persons should be fed at
Government?s cost as per the rates approved from time to time.
Whenever any punitive action is taken or contemplated against a
foreigner, he should be provided with facilities, if he so desires, to
communicate over the telephone or by a telegram or letter, with the
Counsel, High Commissioner or other representative of his country, as
the case may be.
Arrest Reports or Memo
Every person arrested by a police officer without a warrant shall be
forwarded for judicial remand to the nearest Judicial Magistrate within
24 hours excluding the journey time.
2. An arrest report
or memo in Form No. 61 containing time, date and place of arrest shall
be prepared at the time of arrest and will be sent by the SHO or
Inspector, as required by section 57 Cr.P.C. to the Magistrate. The
arrest report shall be attested by at least one witness who may be
either a member of the family of the arrestee or a respectable person of
the locality. The arrestee shall also countersign it. The other columns
of the arrest card containing time and date etc. should all be filled
3. When any person is arrested for his involvement in
number of cases under different transactions, separate arrest reports
should be forwarded to the Magistrate(s) concerned. In the arrest
report, the fact of remanding the arrested person or enlarging him on
bail should be mentioned.
Procedure when arrests relate to Government employees, armed forces etc.
Railway Officials
The exercise by the Railway Police of the power of arrest without
warrant given to them by Section 131 of the Indian Railways Act for
offences under Section 101 of the same Act is discretionary. It should
be exercised only in cases, when
A. there has been loss of life or serious injury to a person; or
B. a person is caught in the commission of a grave offence; or
the accused is likely to abscond or continue to endanger the safety of
the public or tamper evidence and intimidate witnesses.
When an arrest is made without warrant, immediate intimation of such
arrest must be given to the local head of the railway department.
Under ordinary circumstances, immediate arrest may not be necessary. A
warrant should be applied for while maintaining a watch over the
movements of the accused, where necessary.
4. Whenever
the arrest of a Railway employee on duty is required, the department
shall make arrangements for his relief. If, the relief cannot be
arranged immediately or his immediate arrest would cause risk or
inconvenience, the police should make all arrangements to prevent his
escape and contact the authorities for immediate relief.
Arrest of Ordnance Factory Employees
G.O.Ms. 2013, Home, (Pol.C), dt. 24.8.1956.
Arrest of an employee of an ordnance factory owned or sponsored by the
Government should be notified immediately to the General Manager or the
officer in-charge of the factory.
G.O. Ms. 2013, Home (Pol.C), dt. 24.8.1956.
Arrest of Central or State Government or quasi-Government employees
When a Central government employee of any department or a State
Government employee or an employee of a quasi-Government Organization is
to be arrested by the police, wherever it is practicable and desirable,
prior intimation of the arrest of such an employee should be sent to
his immediate superior officer or the officer in-charge of the
institution or department. The prior intimation must be treated as
secret. Whenever prior intimation is given by telephone, it should be
followed by a written intimation mentioning the time and date of such
conversation. The fact of telephoning should be recorded in the General
Diary if intimation is by SHO. If the intimation is by a superior
officer he should make a record of it in the Telephone Register. After
the arrest by the police,
G.O.Ms. 2013, Home, (Pol.C), dated 24.8.1956.
intimation of the arrest along with a copy of arrest memo should be
sent immediately to the highest officer of the department available in
the district to which the person belongs with a copy to the immediate
superior officer (of the person) if, for any reason, prior intimation
could not be given; and
B. This should be followed by a
detailed report of the offence committed together with an indication as
to whether the arrested person is being released on bail or personal
bond, by the police.
Arrest of public servants on operational duty
G.O.Ms.No. 772, Home (Police-D) Department, dated 18.5.1965
When a public servant on operational duty of a department of the
Central or State Government, e.g., railway staff like station masters,
assistant station masters, guards, drivers and train control staff; or
electricity department staff like sub-station attendants, is to be
arrested, prior intimation should be given to his immediate superior, as
a rule, to facilitate them to make alternate arrangements. Departure
from the procedure should be made only in very exceptional cases and
even in such cases; intimation should be given to the superior officer
immediately after the arrest of the public servant. ?However, in respect
of the operational staff of the trains, prior intimation should
invariably be given to the Railway Divisional Authorities or where this
is not possible, to the superior available at the Station where the
arrest is made?.
Arrest of employees of Foreign Diplomatic/Consular Missions
In the event of the arrest of an Indian employee of a Foreign
Diplomatic/ Consular Mission, intimation should immediately be given to
the Foreign Diplomatic/Consular Mission through the Government.
Arrest of foreigners
9. When a foreigner is arrested, reports as required in Order 349 of Chapter 16 on Foreigners should be sent.
Arrest of Military employees
The arrest of personnel of Armed Forces including Navy and Air Force
charged with the commission of an offence should be intimated to the
Commanding Officer to enable him to take appropriate measures for the
defence of the personnel.
B. Subject to sub-order
(A) above, the person so arrested shall be dealt with in all respects
like any other person in the matter of the investigation of the offence
in respect of which he is arrested. The question as to whether he is to
be tried by a Court Martial or a Court functioning under the Cr.P.C. is a
matter for decision between the Commanding Officer and the Magistrate
before whom he is brought by the police, in accordance with the rules
made by the Government of India under Section 475 CrPC.
When any investigation, search or arrest is contemplated within
military lines (quarters), the Police Officers concerned should be in
uniform and if in plain clothes should carry identity cards and, so far
as circumstances permit, prior notice should be given confidentially to
the Officer Commanding, Adjutant or Orderly Officer concerned.
Arrest of Indian Army Reservists
When a reservist of the Indian Army is arrested and remanded on a
criminal charge, the facts of arrest and remand will at once be reported
to the DGP with information to the Army unit to which the person
arrested belongs. When the case is completed, its result and, in the
event of conviction, the period spent in jail by the accused while under
trial, prior to conviction and the sentence awarded shall be reported.
The information so reported will be communicated by the DGP to the
appropriate Army authority.
Arrest of Members of State and Union Legislatures
the rights, that any arrested person has, are available to Members of
Legislature and Parliament whenever they are arrested. All guidelines
and instructions contained in this Chapter apply to them. The procedure
contained in this should be scrupulously observed whenever any Member of
Legislative Assembly/Council or Parliament is arrested by the police.
1. Govt. Memo. 6646/54-5, Home (Elec.II) dt. 8.3.1955;
Whenever a member of a State or the Union Legislature is arrested, he
should immediately be produced before the Magistrate concerned and there
should be absolutely no delay. The police will send information of the
arrest through a telegram or Radio Message, to the Speaker of the Lok
Sabha or the Legislative Assembly, as the case may be. Failure to send
immediate intimation to the presiding officer of the Legislature
concerned will constitute a breach of the privilege of the House.
If a member of the Union or a State Legislature is concerned in an
unimportant case, he need not be arrested, except when it is really
necessary. When arrest is made in a bailable offence, the member should
be immediately released on his own recognizance. If the offence is a
non-bailable one, the member should be immediately produced before the
Magistrate. In any case the fact of arrest and release on bail or remand
should be intimated to the Speaker. Though the instructions are that
the Magistrate should send intimation to the Presiding Officer of the
Legislature concerned, prompt reporting by police is necessary.
A report of the arrest (whether released on bail either by the Police
or by the Magistrate) should be sent by the SP/CP in whose jurisdiction
the arrest is effected to the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, the Chairman of
the Rajya Sabha, the Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly or the
Chairman of the Legislative Council, as the case may be, by telegram or
Radiogram or automex or fax with a copy of confirmation dispatched
simultaneously by speed post along with a copy of Arrest Memo in
4. The message should contain the
information as furnished in the arrest memo sent to Magistrate and
relatives (Form 61). Thereafter a detailed report should be sent to the
Presiding Officers concerned containing the following information:
A. The place of custody or detention of the Member;
When a Member, who is under detention or is undergoing, a sentence of
imprisonment is transferred from one jail to another, the change in the
place of detention or imprisonment; and
C. When a member is
released from jail on any ground e.g., on bail pending appeal or on the
sentence being set aside on appeal or on the remission of sentence by
Government on completing the sentence or on the termination of
preventive detention, such release.
The SP/CP also should simultaneously report the arrest by telegram or
radiogram to the DGP, to enable him to report it forthwith to the
Government and the Secretary to the Legislature. The copies of such
reports should also be sent to the superior police officers.
Police lock-ups and treatment of persons in custody and under trial prisoners
Rc.No. 449/ J3/62, dated 10.10.62
Once a person is in custody of the police, the responsibility for his
life and safety will be totally on the police. The physical and
psychological condition of every person in custody is a major factor
that should determine the precautions, facilities and arrangements
required to be made. The other factors such as the nature of the offence
in which he is involved, the investigation required to be done, the
antecedents, age, sex, ignorance and vulnerability are all vital and
crucial. While every case has its peculiar features and circumstances,
certain important stipulations should be observed.
The first requirement is physical safety of the person in custody. This
includes safety from injury and death, whether self inflicted or
otherwise. As the psychological state of each individual cannot be
accurately gauged, it is necessary to realize that the general mental
state of a person arrested and brought to police station would be fear,
shock, trauma, sense of guilt and shame etc. Suicidal tendencies
therefore develop. Hence the place where he is lodged should not contain
anything including his apparel or belongings that afford him any
opportunity to attempt or commit suicide.
There should be a watch on the person all the time, at least by one
policeman. The room or place where he is kept should be such as to
afford a full view to the Police Officer posted to watch him and also to
the Station Writer, HC or Duty officer. The place of work of these two
should be so adjusted as to afford a complete view of the lock up rooms.
Wherever any attempt or suspicion about the movements or action comes
to notice, the lock up room should be opened and searched. There should
be effective intervention to prevent attempt at suicide and injuries.
The whole episode should be recorded in the station General Diary,
Sentry Relief Book and the person should be sent for Medical examination
with a report. The Magistrate and all other authorities to which Form
61 report is made should also be informed in writing.
E. The statements of other persons in custody and those present should also be recorded and enclosed to the report.
Since the person is in custody, sometimes even self-inflicted injuries
or suicides can be interpreted as those caused by police. Hence
effective and timely intervention, contemporaneous recording of events,
reporting to all concerned of such attempts by persons in custody are
G. No Police Officer or IO shall use any
force or cause any physical injury during interrogation of the person
in custody. If such injuries are caused and result in death of the
person, the Police Officers concerned will be liable for prosecution for
homicide and the burden of proof of their innocence lies on them.
Article 5 of Universal Declaration on Human Rights
1.H. No one shall be subjected to torture, or to cruel inhuman or degrading treatment in custody.
Two blankets and two dhurries for rural stations and four blankets and
four dhurries for town police stations having lock-ups should be
supplied for the use of persons in police custody for each lock-up.
These should be always kept clean, washed and dried. These articles will
be treated as station property and the officer in-charge of the station
or Outpost will be responsible for their issue to such of the prisoners
who do not provide themselves with their own bedding.
The police lock-up, if it contains a prisoner or prisoners shall be
unlocked at daybreak. The bedding of the prisoners, shall be at once
brought outside, well shaken and left for some hours in the sun. G.O 3017, Home, dt. 2.8.1937.
In lock-ups where toilet facilities are not provided, the night
vessels, if any used, shall be removed and toilets shall be thoroughly
cleaned. Wherever toilets are provided they should also be thoroughly
5. The persons in custody shall be taken to
the latrine and shall be allowed to wash. They shall be given food
daily at 10.00 am or earlier if necessary before he is taken to Court
and again at 5 pm. If prisoners are not brought to the station before
the hours prescribed for meals they should be given food as soon as
possible after they are confined in the lock up rooms. They should be
fed at government cost if food is not brought by their relatives.
Officers in-charge of Police stations and officers in-charge of guards
will be held personally responsible for strict compliance of these
7. Prisoners are not to be subjected to
needless indignity or harsh treatment. At district Headquarters or at
places where police vehicles are available, prisoners should be conveyed
from jail to court and back in the police vehicles. Prisoners whose
confessions are to be recorded should be taken to the Court from the
jail in a police van, when available, escorted by warders as a special
case. In places where there is no police van, but where public transport
is available, under-trial prisoners should be conveyed by normal bus
service, irrespective of the distance to be travelled, provided that the
number of prisoners to be taken at a time is small and can be
controlled easily and provided that their presence in the bus does not
cause inconvenience or annoyance to members of the public using it. In
places where none of the above modes of conveyance are available,
under-trial prisoners who are persons of good social position,
accustomed to use a conveyance, may be allowed a conveyance, provided
their safe custody is not jeopardized. The same rule should be followed
in the case of prisoners who are certified by a Medical Officer to be
physically unfit to walk. In other cases, prisoners should go on foot
except in the cases noted below, but no prisoner should be compelled to
march on foot for long distances.
When convicted prisoners are escorted along with under-trial prisoners,
the former may be conveyed by the transport Bus in which the latter are
conveyed, irrespective of the distance travelled, in order to avoid the
inconvenience and expense of providing a separate escort for them.
Whenever women prisoners have to be escorted by road, they should be
provided with a conveyance, where the distance to be travelled by them
exceeds 2 km. Conveyance may also be provided for shorter distances for
reasons of health or custom or for other valid reason. Failure to make
such provision would cause undue hardship to them.
G.O.Ms 2768, Home, dt. 27.6.1940
Use of handcuffs
use of handcuffs or leg chains should be avoided and if at all, it
should be resorted to strictly in accordance with the law mandated in
judgment of the Supreme Court in Prem Shanker Shukla vs. Delhi
Administration (1980, 3 SCC 526) and Citizen for Democracy vs State of
Assam (1995, 3 SCC 743). The points to be observed in this regard are as
1. When an accused is in
Court during the trial, he must be held to be in the custody of the
Court. If an accused is so dangerous that it is necessary to handcuff
him, representation should be made to the Court, and the Court will
issue appropriate instructions in the matter. Accused persons while in
Court during trial should not be handcuffed except with the permission
of the Court.
G.O. Ms. 1832, Home, dated 10.5.1951.
Under-trial prisoners and other accused persons shall not be handcuffed
and chained without specific permission of the court and only if there
is a reasonable apprehension, either due to heinous nature of the crimes
with which they are charged or from their character or behaviour that
such persons will use violence or will attempt to escape or that an
attempt will be made to rescue them. The same principle shall be applied
to convicts proceeding in public places while in police custody.
Vindictivity is to be differentiated from necessity.
G.O.Ms. 108, Home (Pol.D) dated 17.1.61.
Whenever non-convicted accused persons are handcuffed with court?s
permission, the fact and the reasons for it shall be stated in the
Station House general diary, the sentry relief book, and in the remand
diary forwarded to the Magistrate.
G.O. 615, Judl., dated 24.4.1908.
The prisoners either convicted or under trial and confined in a
sub-jail shall not be handcuffed, whenever they are taken out in the
precincts of the sub-jail for food or other necessities, rather the
entire guard including the guard commander shall be present. If there
are more number of prisoners, the guard in-charge should inform the
officer in-charge of the police station to send two or three constables
to assist the sub-jail guard during the period when the prisoners are
taken out. The officer in-charge of police station shall provide extra
manpower as required by the guard-in-charge.
Whenever, it is considered necessary to handcuff certain prisoners
confined in sub-jail, while they are taken out, the written orders of
the Magistrate should be obtained and the permission granted by him
should be maintained in a book to be kept by the guard officer.
With regard to a refractory, violent or dangerous prisoner, the officer
in-charge of the sub-jail guard or the senior Police officer present
may control him only by utilising more personnel and by such force as
may be necessary, while rushing a messenger to the concerned court or
Magistrate for permission to handcuff him.
Under-trial prisoners or accused persons in Hospital should not be
handcuffed without permission of the court. In no case should prisoners
or accused persons who are aged and bed ridden in hospital or women
prisoners, juvenile prisoners or civil prisoners be handcuffed or
fettered. If necessary, extra guard should be provided.
G.O.Ms. 108, Home (Pol.D) dated 17.1.1961.
8. The restriction on use of handcuffs is not to place any embargo on use of minimum force to control a violent prisoner.
Sick prisoners
When a prisoner, who arrives at a Police station, is seriously ill,
medical aid should be provided. When not available, the prisoner should
be sent by the quickest conveyance available, if his condition admits of
it, to the nearest station where medical assistance can be procured.
Prisoners attacked by cholera or other infectious or communicable
disease in a police station should be removed from the lock-up and
placed in an airy part of the station and all possible treatment
3. Whenever sick prisoners are brought
from rural police stations to district head-quarters hospitals and
admitted as in-patients, the fact should be reported to the
Superintendent of Police of the district or Dy. Superintendent of Police
or the Inspector of the District Reserve Police in whose area the
hospital is located, and an armed guard will be provided from the
4. In larger hospitals in cities, where
prisoner?s wards are provided, the guard provided for the prisoner?s
ward should take charge of such prisoners brought from the districts.
The guard in-charge of the district headquarters hospital or city
hospital, should find out from the resident Medical Officer or in-charge
Medical Officer of the ward about the probable date of discharge of the
prisoner. The information about date of discharge should be furnished
to the police station or district from which the prisoner was admitted
to the hospital, so that; the concerned police shall take back the
5. Most of the District Headquarters
Hospitals/General Hospitals are provided with prisoners? ward. If such
provision is not available the SP or the CP should take up the matter
with the concerned authority and ensure that the prisoners? ward as per
the norms is provided. The prisoner irrespective of his status should be
lodged in the prisoners? ward as to ensure their safety and enable the
police to guard them effectively. This would also prevent inconvenience
to other patients. Arrangements are to be made for their treatment in
the prisoners? ward itself except where it is necessary to shift them in
emergencies either to an operation theatre or to an Intensive Care
Unit. The government has issued instructions in this regard to the
concerned authorities.
6. In case of death of a
prisoner admitted to the hospital, the officer in-charge of the police
station in whose jurisdiction the hospital is situated shall register a
case under section 174 CrPC and, inform the Executive Magistrate to hold
inquest and make such other enquiries. Finally the dead body will be
handed over to the relations through concerned police.
Scale of accommodation for prisoners
The maximum number of prisoners that can be confined in a lock-up
should, in each case be fixed by the Superintendent of Police in
consultation with the Executive Engineer, Police Housing Corporation or
Roads and Buildings Department, having regard to the accommodation
available therein. A notice in English, Telugu, Urdu and Hindi should be
displayed outside the lock-up, showing the maximum number of male or
female prisoners who may be confined in it. The number so fixed shall
never be exceeded; and any excess over the authorized number shall be
accommodated in any convenient building with adequate guard.
G.O.s. 1672, Judl., dated 11.7.196 and 325, Home (Judl.) dated 9.2.1918.
For purpose of the above Order, 16 cubic metre of breathing space and 4
square metre of ground space should be taken as the minimum
requirements for each prisoner to be accommodated in a police lock-up.
PWD Circular, Memo. 3266, G, dated 19.7.1917.
The design of the lock-up rooms should be prepared in such a manner as
to ensure adequate ventilation and light and other safety measures. The
electrical wiring should be concealed and the lights embedded in the
roof with the switch being kept outside at the entrance to the lock-up.
There should be no rods or hooks either on the ceiling or on the walls
and both ceiling and walls should be smoothly polished and white washed
Accommodation of persons outside the lock-up rooms in the station premises
Those prisoners who are not likely to escape or create any problem or
those who are not involved in any serious crimes and the women may be
allowed to be in any area of the police station under watch. They should
not however be allowed any contact with outsiders except with their
advocate or in case of women with a female relative.
In case where large numbers of persons are arrested under 151 CrPC to
prevent breach of peace, they may be made to sit in a place either
within the premises of police station or in another building which has
access control and with facilities for drinking water and toilets. Where
it is not necessary to detain them for any length of time they should
be released after making a complete record of each person and the
reasons for arrest in the concerned records. Where it is felt necessary
to detain them for a few hours and they are not required to be produced
before a Magistrate for any specific offence they may be released by the
SHO at any time that he considers appropriate. The detention should, in
any case, not exceed 24 hours as laid down in section 57 of CrPC. They
should all be given food at government cost if not arranged by their
relatives or friends.
Confinement of other department prisoners in lockup
When any prisoner arrested and escorted by officers of other units such
as police stations & CID, Excise, Customs etc., are brought for
confinement in the police station lock-up, a written requisition shall
be given to the officer in-charge of the police station and the latter
shall keep such prisoners in the lock-ups. The Officers of the other
units will keep their subordinates besides police station guard. If
there are no prisoners in the concerned police station lock-up, the key
of the lock-up shall be given to the officers of other branches or units
or departments and they will be responsible for the prisoners safe
2. In the lock-up if there are already
prisoners of the concerned police station, the key shall remain with the
in-charge of the guard.
3. In all circumstances,
the duty of supplying the prisoners with food and guarding them, when
taken outside the lock-up, shall lie with the outside officers.
Escape from Custody
In all cases of escape of prisoners from police custody including those
from jails where police guards are posted, a report by Automax, Fax,
Radio or Telephone shall immediately be sent by the Superintendent of
Police or the Commissioner of Police as the case may be to the Director
General of Police, Addl. DGsP, L&O, Intelligence, CID, Zonal IG/DIGP
who will communicate the information immediately to the government.
G.O.Ms.No. 1599, Home (Prisons-B) Department, dated 4.9.1966.
The radio or telephonic report shall immediately be followed by a
detailed report in triplicate furnishing the circumstances under which
the person escaped, whether the escape of the prisoner was accidental or
as a result of collusion or negligence, the action taken to apprehend
him, the person or persons responsible for the escape, the exact quantum
of responsibility to be attached to the Police personnel involved and
the action taken against them, and other relevant particulars. These
reports should be properly drafted and neatly typed with proper care.
1.G.O.Ms.No. 1599, Home (Prisons-B), dated 1-2-57;
2. Govt. Memo No.14957/57-1, Home (Prisons-B), dated 26-1-57;
3. Govt.Memo No. 53948/57-2, Home (Prisons-B), dated 18-7-57 and
4. Govt.Memo No.11974/60-46 dated 17-10-1962
Copies of the reports shall be sent by the Superintendent of Police to
the Zonal Inspector-General/DIGP. Copies of the reports in respect of
cases of escapes from jails where Police Guards are posted shall also be
sent to the Director-General of Prisons, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Rc.No.1940/ C2/64, dated 22nd October, 1964.
4. The above orders apply also to juvenile convicts.
Bail broadly means security for release of a person who is arrested. A
person is released on bail with or without sureties. Offences are of two
types as far as bail is concerned, bailable and non-bailable. When a
person is arrested for a bailable offence, he is entitled to be released
on bail either by the SHO or by court. In cases of arrests for
non-bailable offences, bail is discretion.
2. Bail in bailable offences:
The SHO is competent to release a person on bail when arrested for
bailable offences. If the arresting police officer is not the SHO, the
arrestee shall be produced before the SHO with a written report for
release on bail. If the accused jumps bail in a bailable offence and
when he is arrested again, it should be treated as a non-bailable
offence. In case bail is given by SHO in bailable offence the bond
should be taken in Form 63. The detailed addresses of the sureties have
to be noted there in.
3. Bail in non-bailable offences:
When a person is arrested for a non-bailable offence ordinarily he
shall be produced before the court but the SHO may release on bail in
exceptional cases covered by section 437(1) and (2) Cr.P.C after
obtaining express permission by SP / DCP / CP concerned.
4. Points for opposing bail in non-bailable offences:
A. Likelihood of absconding. B. Possibility of tampering with evidence, intimidation and threats to witnesses. C. Likelihood of repeating the offence. D. Nature of the offender and the seriousness of the offence. E. Likelihood of breach of peace and tranquility in the locality. F. Likelihood of retaliations by the victim?s party.
5. Bailable warrants:
- When a person is arrested under a bailable warrant, he should not be
compelled to come to the police station to give bail. He should be given
bail at the place of arrest if he offers security.
Anticipatory bail
When a person apprehends arrest for a non-bailable offence on a
reasonable suspicion, he may apply to the High Court or Sessions court
to give a direction to release him on bail in case he is arrested.
In such cases the court gives notice to the P.P. for his objections, if
any. The SHO must furnish the P.P. with sufficient information to
enable him to argue the case.
3. In case the order
is given in favour of the petitioner, the direction will be that he
should be released on bail in case he is arrested on taking security as
specified in that order. This clearly shows that the police officers are
competent to arrest even if one gets such order. The only facility is
that he should be released on bail in case of arrest without producing
him in court.
4. The court may be requested to impose conditions in case an order is given in his favour. Such conditions can be;
A. That the person shall make himself available for interrogation as and when required.
B. That, he shall not directly or indirectly tamper with evidence or witnesses.
C. That, he shall not leave the place or the country.
D. That, he shall co-operate with the investigation.
Remand of arrested accused
When a person is arrested during the course of investigation and if the
investigation is not completed within 24 hours, the officer in charge
of the police station shall forward the accused to the nearest judicial
magistrate along with a remand report enclosed by the case diary written
till that date.
2. The accused will be remanded
only when the investigation discloses some offence against him so far
and further investigation is needed for completion.
A remand at a time will be for a maximum period of 15 days. However in
cases under A.P. Control of Organised Crimes Act 2001 and Prevention of
Terrorism Act 2002, the police remand may be for 30 days.
4. Further remand, if necessary, is only by the jurisdictional magistrate.
The police can seek remand for 60 days in ordinary cases where offences
are punishable with imprisonment for less than 10 years and 90 days in
cases punishable with death or life imprisonment or with imprisonment
for not less than 10 years. If the charge sheet is not filed within that
period, the accused shall be entitled for a bail even in a serious case
like murder.
6. No accused shall be remanded to
judicial custody unless he is produced before Magistrate. But in Andhra
Pradesh an accused can be remanded even from jail by means of video
7. An accused can be remanded separately for each and every case committed under different transactions.
Remands always shall be given by the Judicial Magistrate, but in the
absence of any Judicial Magistrate, an executive magistrate on whom the
powers of Judicial Magistrate are conferred can give remand, if the
arrested person is produced before him. In such cases the remand can be
only for a maximum period of 7 days by executive magistrate. Beyond
this, remand can be given only by the competent Judicial Magistrate.
Police custody
times it is necessary for the police to interrogate an accused who is
remanded to Judicial custody. In such cases whenever a police officer
requires any accused to police custody, the following points shall be
borne in mind:
1. Taking a person to police
custody is only granted when the magistrate finds sufficient reasons.
Therefore the police officer in his requisition shall state satisfactory
2. Police custody can be given only
within the first fifteen days of remand and that too for a maximum
period of 15 days. Police custody can be taken for different remands
made in different cases.
3. After the period of custody is over, the accused person shall duly be produced before the magistrate within time.